When driving, I notice when the ICE kicks on. I assume this is normal but just want to hear from others. As a Prius newbie, is it that I am just not used to yet it turning on and off? Thoughts?
You must be quite sensitive to it. I thought that the the engine on/off shudder is much less noticeable on the Gen 3 than it is on the Gen 2. Maybe you're referring to the fact that you can hear the engine?
I pay pretty close attention to how the car is running, so I usually notice when the ICE kicks in, but it is subtle and quite seamless and not particularly noticeable.
I notice it a lot less as the car broke-in. If it is really cold though, the start-up is more noticeable. No worries mate.
I'd say I always notice when it's on, the vibration is very apparent. A visual confirmation, maybe more evident on Canadian models with liter/100km display of fuel consumption: the blips drop down to nothing.
I definitely notice it start on my 2010, but rarely can I feel it stop. I have found that most of my passengers don't notice... even when they're trying to tell. I think part of it is that as the primary driver you get used to it and for the most part I can predict when it will start and stop. It is pretty subtle and is easy to take for a little bump in the road. The funny thing is that before I bought the car I test drove a 2006 and a 2010... During the test drives I could definitely notice it in the gen II, but I didn't notice it at all on the gen III... I even commented to the salesman that it was much more subtle in the gen III. Once I started regularly driving it, though I found that it's easy to feel.
I notice it when IM in the city and going at slow speeds, When Im in the motorway, or speeding, I can tell only by looking at the screen
That may be because it's always running over 47 mph/75 kph - it may be spinning with no fuel, but it has to stay spinning to keep the motors within their designed RPM limits.
I notice it more now than when the car was newer. More shaking going on. Not just because its cold now, but in general.
+1 to Spiderman's comments. I some time have to switch to the EM screen just to verify it is off. I am always amazed at how smoothly it transitions. Cold weather does make it slightly more noticeable.
Thanks all. I think that I am experience a combination of a couple things 1) I'm new to the entire hybrid experience 2) It is definitely cold here in Ohio. I appreciate the insight. Thank you parhead
I do notice when it is on and I can't wait for it to happen when I get in 1st thing in the morning! Yes, the instant fuel mileage indicator will show about 0 MPG when it is running. We are only getting about 39 MPG since it got cold. Summer could not come quicker. I miss 50 MPG.
I notice it when startup cold driving slowly on the street, starting and stopping. Once it warms up if I focus on feeling/listening I might be able to tell, but mostly can't. And I would seriously pay the Toyota dealer big bucks to adjust the computer to delay the startup of the ICE for just 10 - 15 more seconds after starting up the car so I can get it out of the garage, -that- is very noticeable! Firmware update!!!!!!!
I can feel it on first start up in the cold Columbus mornings. Plus mine is still in break in period. After it warms up, very hard to tell the transition. I know and have learned when it turns on and off.But its still seemingly smooth :bowl: I test drove the Honda Insight before buying the Prius and could without a doubt tell every time the ICE turned on and off. I thought it was smooth, but I also am new to Hybrids. Once I test drove the Prius there was a huge difference in smoothness. We've been getting 44mpg calculated.
Yes but it's quite subtle. Much smoother than on a camry hybrid I drove a few years back. Toyota has done a marvelous job on the transition IMO. It's really not a meaningful distraction.
Press EV soon after you turn the Prius on (I would say, immediately and insist if it doesn't get it, and it does not complain with a beep). If there is enough battery level (and another zillion parameters are aligned with the planets ) then you can get into EV mode and keep it there as long as you don't hit the EV limits (low batt, etc.etc.). This way you can likely "buy" those extra 10-15 secs more. Regarding the OP - yes I do feel it because I am "listening" for it to adjust driving. Sometimes is more subtle (e.g. when not under load), sometimes quite evident (e.g. starting at a traffic light). If, like mentioned, you drive at more than 75km/h-47mph, you will likely not notice it at all, as the ICE will spin already (without consuming fuel) to keep the MG1 (the generator) at a reasonable rpm level (it is designed to spin not higher than a certain rpm speed; it's OK and it's nothing you need to worry about at all). Most of my passengers, even when I leave the energy flow monitor in the display, cannot tell what is going on most of times. Having the foot on the pedal gives a lot more cues on what is going on...