I searched for about 30 Mins and could not find any threads Sorry If this question has been posted 10000 times. But has anyone done a DIY thread on Providing power to the USB port so I can charge my I phone while the car is off. I saw a bunch of thread about making the cig lighter active while car is off but nothing about the USB port. Can some one point me in the right direction Thanks G
I would love to know how to do this, too, if possible. I'm used to charging my phone in the car overnight so I never forget it.
Unfortunately I think this is going to be a bit of a project... The power for the USB port likely comes directly from the radio. So short of forcing the radio to be on all the time, which is a bad idea for many reasons, I don't think this will be easy to do. The power on a USB port is provided on two pins and if you really wanted to you could cut the wires providing the power to the USB port and connect it to a power supply that's constantly on, but the problem there us that the USB port is only 5 volts while the rest of the car is 12 volts. So to do this you'll need to wire in a 12v to 5v adapter.
Ok: Now we are getting some where Good Info Brett.S I guess now the question is what color wire on the USB is the power wire? I can get a 12v to 5 v adaptor (if that's the voltage I need) and then just hook it up to a constant. If anyone else has any info on the subject that would be great. I would like to be able to just leave my phone plug'd in when its low and just walk away from the car and have it charge up. I don't want to have to switch from the factory USB and into plug like the cig light that I could run a contant to. If I could just get a constant power to the factory USB that would be gold .
Unfortunately I don't know what color is what on the USB port in the car, but you can see the USB pinouts here... http://www.geocities.ws/k7hkl_arv/PC_USB_Connectors_Pinout.png You should be able to trace out the correct wires without too much trouble. Then just cut the wires and connect your 5V power supply instead. You'll need to find a constantly on 12V source for your power supply, but that shouldn't be too hard. If you do go through with this, take some pictures and do a quick write up here and I'm sure many others will be quite greatful. Good luck, Brett
Ok That looks good enough for me to get started. Thanks for the Print out link. Im on the hunt for the 12v to 5v voltage choke. Thanks. Anyone know where the closest 12 constant is located??
I had a Idea last night. Why couldn't I cut the wire at the back of the deck that provides the 5v power to the USB port. I would cut that wire and put the 5v voltage choke inline and then hook that to a 12v constant. This way I wouldn't have to take apart the center console and run a wire to the USB. All the stuff would be up in the dash and I wouldn't have to run any wires. If I knew what wire came off the deck this could be a quick easy mod. Anyone know what wire provides the USB with power
Is there such a thing as a USB "Y" adapter? I know they make the power plug adapters that you can plug the USB cable into. These convert 12V to 5V. You have both a Power Plug and the USB Port in the center arm rest, if you had a "Y" adapter that you could plug into the USB Port from the radio (for the audio) and plug the other leg into the Power Plug adapter to supply the needed 5V, then all you have to do is make that Power Plug hot all the time, which should be easier being as it's 12V and there are plenty of spots to tap into a constant 12V supply.
It sounds like a quick and easy workaround. I don't see why you can't make your own. Just make sure that the 5v to the radio is not connected.
That sounds like a much better idea, actually. Unfortunately, I don't know what wire that is. However, you can get a two day subscription to the Toyota TIS service here... https://techinfo.toyota.com/techInfoPortal/ for only $15. Among many other things that subscription will allow you to see all of the factory wiring diagrams for your car, so you should be able to easily identify the wire you need. It should also help you to find a constantly on 12V connection behind the dash as well. hope this helps, Brett
I still think My Idea would be pretty easy. #1. You open up the dash, and get to the back of the raido. (much faster and easy'r) then getting the center console open and apart. #2 Locate the 5v output wire for USB. #3 Cut that wire and put a 12v to 5v adaptor on that wire. #4 Connect the adaptor to 12v constant, Constant is in the dash already and all you would have to do is tap into it, The mod would be cutting 1 wire and splicing into another. Pretty easy.
Thanks for the Link. But that DIY job looks like its falls short for a few reason's Its great that he can charge but he can't use the USB connection to hook up to his factory raido. I understand you can use the bluetooh to transmit audio but that burns up voltage on your phone Big time. The Idea is to charge your phone Up not stay even with draw. I put a call into a friend he said he would look at the pin out for me. I wonder If I could just pull the raid o and see what wire out has 5Volts
If this is true (I haven't verified it), then what I use will work. It's a belking dc to usb phone cradle. Got it a best buy so I could charge while driving and use pandora through bluetooth. I don't use the aux jack cable. Again, I have never checked to see if it still charges with the car off as I always take my phone with me. It seems to charge very fast; faster than plugging into a computer usb. Belkin : TuneBase Direct with Hands-Free Here's a non-cradle but simple/cheaper solution too: Belkin : Micro USB Car Charger
I don't know what it is but that Blekin micro charger is Awesome. It charges the phone way faster than any other charger I have come across.