After several months of good service, my Motorola V710 started to refuse to pair - or lose its pairing - with the Bluetooth handsfree system in my Prius. I took the Prius into the dealership, who said the car's Bluetooth system checked out perfectly, and referred me to Toyota national customer service. Toyota national customer service people finally declared that the V710 wasn't "approved" for the Prius, which solved the problem..... for them. Through hook and crook, I got the service guy at my local cellular store (U.S. Cellular) to let me use another V710 for a while.... same problem with intermittent Bluetooth. Then he was nice enough to fix me up temporarily with a CDMA phone that IS on Toyota's "approved" list (although not offered by U.S. Cellular), and it functioned perfectly. So apparently there IS validity to Toyota's claim that the V710 isn't suitable for the Prius. Am I the only one having these "intermittent Bluetooth" problems with the V710? (Unfortunately, the V710 is the only Bluetooth phone offered by U.S. Cellular, and I've been otherwise absolutely delighted with U.S. Cellular's service. One other note: the list of Toyota-approved Bluetooth phones, obtained on the LetsTalk site, lists only phones offered by Cingular and T-Mobile.) Thanks in advance for any insight other V710 owners might have.....
I have the V710 through Verizon it is the subject of a class action law suit. I am dumping mine ASAP and Verizon with it. I have not seen your problem with mine my objection is that Verizon disabled the file transfer. Mine will not ring in the car and I had to set the phone to auto answer to get it to work. Have you tried that? It is one of the options on the phone.
I too own the V710 and mine pairs with my Prius, sometime, eventually. What I mean is that the Prius doesn't always pair with phone intially. I sometimes have to "Look for Devices" up to three times before it connects. I don't like the fact that I can't transfer my contacts to the car... I too am a U.S. Cellular subscriber... frustrated with the lack of Bluetooth choices (and knowledge) they offer.
Well, just to round this out a bit, my wife and I own V710s (Verizon). I bought them at the same time back in December of 2004. Not once have I experienced a problem pairing either phone with my Prius. Every single time I enter my car and push the button, I get the "Bluetooth connection successful" message a few seconds thereafter. FWIW, with my V710, I have "Power" set to "ON" in Bluetooth setup and "Battery Save" set to "OFF".
On my V710, I have Auto Answer set to "OFF" and Auto Handsfree set to "ON". My phone rings, just not through the car's speaker system. Are you saying your phone wouldn't ring until you set it to auto answer or wouldn't pair?
Well I have the original software on my phone but I have not used (to my knowledge) used the auto hands free. I will try it out and let you know. I know someone is calling me because I always have tunes on and the auto answer switches me to the phone. I think the most recent software for the phone will allow ringing but now allow transfer pictures to the flash card. I am at war with Verizon and am now part of the class action law suit and hoping to be released from my contract. Their "Business Plan" is not "user friendly" so I am voting with my feet. I am getting something that works with my car.
I've had the V710 for almost a year and have had no problems pairing with my Prius. The phonebook transfer is a problem and I will cancel my Verizon service when my contract ends.
newk, try this out you may get out early!
I'm a member of the class as well and am just hoping to get a couple of new E815s. I'm also hoping someone will come up with a hack or some other company (Bell Mobility?) will have different s/w for the phone that will fully enable OPP, thus allowing phonebook transfers to the car.