I received my Euro mudguard and ScangaugeII today from PriusShop.com. Thanks, Danny! I've got a question about this black trim piece on the wheel wheel edge. It looks the same as the door edge guards on the doors that I am 99% sure are not intended to be permanent. They are not in the way on the rear wheel well but they are on the front wheel wells. Do I remove or at least trim these? Front Rear Please excuse the dirt, the snow in Texas wasn't too clean. I will wash the car before I install them. Thanks!
OK I removed the trim on the front wheel wells, came off clean and easy. The rears fit nice, the fronts have some gaps I couldn't eliminate that you can see in the photo because the fronts used the existing bolts and push fastener so there is no way to adjust them. The rears required drilling a small pilot hole in the plastic for all three screws. Front Rear They look good on the Blue Ribbon Metallic
Yes they do look good, good job. I would have trimmed the trim piece myself but my car didn't come with those.
Looks good! Yeah I have noticed that the front one isn't secured as tightly as I like. There's too much play in the bottom half of the mudguard.
The smaller version mudflaps also don't fit 'tight', with a gap here and there that let them wiggle a bit. The whole area is all plastic and isn't a model of perfect fitting, if it were metal all the tolerances and fit might be a bit better, but then we wouldn't want to drill holes in it.
Our OEM mudguards on our 2005 (they are standard equipment on all Canadian Gen 2 models) are screwed it front and back so they're quite solid/rigid with no wiggle room.
I just installed the same mad guards on a 2010. Poor fit is caused by the plastic mould for the top screw. That area jutts out toward the fender causing a gap. The push retainer in the kit is useless IMO. I ended up using the OEM female side of the reatainer and a screw. No more wiggle. BUT. The little gap invites water/salt/etc to settle inside. I think a little bead of black silicone smoothed over with fix it up.
Yes I am happy with them. They look like they belong there and are solid. Makes the car look more sporty and should provide good protection behind the wheels.