I have a Hymotion/a123 kit installed. I notice that the engine comes on automaticly after a start. I am told that this feature is used to comply with Califoria air emission requirements. I do not drive in CA. Can I disable this feature to improve my miliage? Is the procedure difficult?
Yes you can. Depends on how comfortable you are running and crimping some wire and hooking it up to a switch. Look at the EV switch install guides on this site for information on how to do that. You can go with the cheap push button or buy the OEM button. What you will have to do is cut the Hymotion wire that goes to the EV pin and hook your manual EV button to that pin.
You can do it by installing your own EV button. The warmup cycle can be overridden by hitting the EV button before the engine comes on. The newest Hymotion firmware actually un-sets this EV mode, so to prevent that from happening throw the car in reverse. The Hymotion kit doesn't seem to operate in reverse, so if you turn the car on, put it in reverse, hit your EV button and then put it in drive. This method assumes you have an EV button installed, and you haven't cut the wire that the Hymotion kit uses to set EV mode. You can also cut the Hymotion EV wire and splice in your own EV button, but then you'll lose the automatic EV mode.
I've got the Hymotion conversion as well, but I'm not wild about installing an EV button since it may void your warranty for the 123 battery or for the car with Toyota. I had a block heater installed, wired to the same plug as the recharging wire, which serves to keep the engine at a temperature where the ICE doesn't stay on very long after start up. It also gives me warm air from the heater in the winter.
You are worried about voiding your warranty by installing an EV button but you spliced the charging cord wire? The EV button is easy and can be undone without damaging the Hymotion kit.
1) I was referring to the Toyota warranty, which is not voided by installing the Hymotion battery, but is by installing the EV button. 2) I didn't splice the charging cord, my certified installer did. It does not void my Hymotion warranty.
Perhaps you have some personal experience with this? If not, you'll find other posts in this forum that contradict your statement. Others have said it is voided.
The only way they could void your warranty is to prove that the addition of the EV mode button caused damage to the car somehow. There is a US law called the Magnuson Moss Warranty Act (Title 15, Chapter 50 § 2310) that prevents them from denying you warranty coverage for aftermarket modifications unless they can prove such modifications caused the damage. It would be hard to prove this, given that they put EV mode buttons on the same model in other countries, and they now have them on the 2010 and up.
Sorry I misunderstood you earlier; pEEf is correct. Putting an after-market turbo into your car also does not void the warranty unless it is proven that the turbo is what caused the damage. An EV button is far more benign than that. We have sorta gone off topic a bit; there are two methods (TheForce and mine detailed above) to override the California warmup cycle. It's annoying to know that California is dictating their firmware options even though I live in Toronto Canada! :angry:
Thanks to pEEf for knowing about the Magnussen-Moss Act. So many mechanics and service managers have abused their positions about car warranties that I just want to scream! The whole thing is that you own the car and unless you abuse it they cannot void the warranty. They must be able to prove that abuse.
In fact, putting a Hymotion kit in your car is much more invasive than an EV mode switch. If Toyota is going to void your warranty, it'll likely be for stuffing electrons into their battery from an "unauthorized" source! Also, the Hymotion kit itself hooks to the EV move button input, and effectively is doing the same thing.
So the question I would ask myself is, as an owner of a converted Prius with a Hymotion battery, despite having the law on my side, is it worth the hassle of fighting with my local dealership if the Prius battery fails and I have an aftermarket EV button installed (search the forum, you will find others who have said Toyota said the warranty was voided by adding the EV switch) I'm sure the dealership would claim that I fully discharged the Ni-MH battery by installing the switch. Having 2 aftermarket conversions would make it more likely Toyota would say I was the cause of the damage. Having the buttons on the European or Japanese models would be little help since they are different cars, and I'm sure Toyota would claim they were designed to handle the EV button and the US model would not. My original point was not that adding an EV button couldn't be done, but that there are risks associated with it, and if the goal is to bypass the ICE, a block heater may be the safer solution. I would still be uncomfortable doing it.
As I stated, the Hymotion kit itself is connected to the EV mode button input and makes use of it. It basically "presses" the button for you at certain times. If Toyota voids your warranty, it's going to be because of the Hymotion kit if anything!
I'm a newbie Hymotion/Prius owner and this thread has me confused now. I'm in Seattle. It's been 45 degrees in the morning here. My Hymotion won't kick in until I'm over 1/2 way to work on my 11 mile commute. It kicks in earlier on the trip home. Is there a way I can get more use of EV right out of the driveway? 40 degrees seems too warm for a EBH! Should I get an EV switch? Hymotion firmware update? (Just got the car this week but the Hymotion was installed 2 years ago at Green Car Company.) Your combined wisdom is appreciated.
Competitive hypermilers use an EBH all year round, even in hot climates. Put it on a timer to start 2-3 hours before the car is needed.
OK...can some of you elaborate or send me links to suggested EBH sources/info. OEM or aftermarket? Run it in addition to an EV switch? Jeez...ya mean I might have 2 plugs coming from my ride? I was pretty thrilled with just the one.! Man...this stuff is interesting...and fun!