Is it just my eyes or are there no outwardly visible door handles on the rear doors of the Prius c concept car?
I was fooled by a few cars with this design...but they "hide" them in the plastic of the window pillar...look closely you can see it....
I don't get it, nobody has any trouble telling my car is a prius. most people can't tell the difference from gen II from gen III. There in not a big difference like you say, and i get 51mpg thats what the prius is known for. You act like the gen III is a pickup truck that gets 12mpg. The prius is still different, and very much the same as it always has been. i have seen alot of your posts and it seems you have some weird mental problem with the genIII, were you molested in a GEN III or something? It''s 100% prius.
I like the styling on the Gen2 a lot. I lost a lot of sleep trying to decide between a used Gen2 and a new Gen3. I watch this video and it removes all reservations I have about owning a Gen3. The Gen2/Gen3 rivalry is funny to me, becuase it's just like the rivalry between the 450 (Diesel/Canadian/Old) and 451 (gas/American/New) smart car. In Canada, all the 450/Diesel folks say the 451/Gas is "just like any other car" and has lost all of it's uniqueness, and they'd never touch the thing. The 451 drivers don't get what it's all about. To an outsider, they are nearly identical. It's funny how we get so wrapped up in these things. Back on topic, I think the PriusC will be interesting - I just hope they clean up that interior. Transport Canada and the US equivelant will make sure that the console is more sensible. -Iain
Why? That's the problem, everyone feels this need to floor it off the line. What does that solve? Save it for the track, or do what I do - ride roller coasters religiously. -Iain
I thought the same least from about midway to the back of the car...especially the way the body is styled around the rear wheels. I had a C30 T5, and great googly moogly was it fast! My biggest issue was that it was FWD. A car that light, with that much power really needs to be AWD to be able to put the power down with any effectiveness. Still, I sort of miss that car. It was a LOT of fun. The Prius C could certainly fill the void. obviously, it won't have the power of the C30 T5, but it will have the general stying, much better MPGs, and FOUR doors. Can't wait to see how it translates from concept to production vehicle.
I vaguely remember something in the early press releases that the C30 would have each of the 4 wheels driven independently by electric I can't find anything Perhaps that idea didn't fly...or drive
Lazy me...I did a Google search and found a lot of info... Volvo Moves Forward with Plug-in Hybrid Sports Wagon | Links go all over the place ! Hey, things are really beginning to move :cheer2:
for people that have to get up to speed quickly and blend into traffic. 0-60 in 10 seconds is ok but a little more of a margin of error play would be nice.
0-60 in 10 seconds is excellent and way more than you need to safely get into any traffic situation. Any faster than this is just for fun. TED
You guys just need to spend a week driving a 40 hp diesel smart to understand that you don't need power. 0-100 km/h in 20+ seconds teaches you how to drive more attentivley and creatively - like planing ahead by accelerating around onramps much earlier. It drives me nuts that people wait until the end of the curved portion of the ramp to floor it. So wasteful and shortsighted! Nothing used to give me more pleasure while driving the smart than coming to an off-ramp cloverleaf, with someone right on my butt.... then watching them disapear in the rear view mirror when they panicked and slammed on the brakes while I zip around the cloverleaf without touching the brakes. People just need to learn where the traction point is on their tires and drive accordingly. You can have lots of fun with far less. -Iain