When I purchased my car last year I ordered it with the remote starter. It works great unless the weather is 12 degrees or colder, then it will not start the car. This morning I tried to remote start, it started it for 2 seconds then shut off, I did it again with the same result. I then went out and physically started the car and went back inside only to go out 15 minutes later to find the car stopped running but the radio was still playing. I then restarted the car and again went back inside 15 minutes later the car this time it was still running and was just starting to melt the ice on the windows. I have had issues in the past with the remote starter not working but today I actually went to the door and listened to what it was doing. Has anybody had an issue with this?
When you indicated that the radio was still running, but the engine was not, is it possible that the engine just cycled off, as it was heated? Generally, once you start the car (remote starter, or manually), the car will be on, but the engine will cycle on and off. If you goal is to get the windows thawed out, I would suggest that the night before, when you shut down your car, you turn the heat up to Defrost on the MAX 'HI' setting. Then, when you start you car later, remotely or otherwise, the system will demand heat, and the car will be forced to run the engine in order to generate said heat. See if this solves this "issue".
The car was off, I thought the same thing so I put it in drive and it told me to put back in park, and to press the start button to start the car. I had the defrost set on HI and it was still running as well.