I had a Hymotion L5 Kit installed in my '07 Silver Prius in October 2009 and overall, I love it and use it extensively in total EV mode, getting well over 1000 miles per tank of gas. My typical day's drive is in the 20-mile range and I plug it in every night whether I need to or not. Unfortunately, I have experienced one problem, which "TheForce" mentioned in his very first extensive post with his Hymotion Install. Occasionally, apparently at random, the pack shuts down and does not permit any electron flow from the unit. As TheForce said, usually, it self corrected and came back on for the next drive or the next day ... and life went on. I have been experiencing these occasional "black-outs" about every month or two. I cannot pinpoint any threshold that causes it to occur. Certainly, one 90F day when I was travelling up a long 0.5-mile, 30% grade the pack overheated and I had to pull over and let the pack rest for 2 minutes before continuing on my drive. This was understandable and is not my concern at all. Now, for the past 2 days, it has refused to come on and I have been driving around with a 200-pound dead weight in my trunk. I am not a happy camper! The red LED with the switch is off and is not blinking; The unit is fully charged; My ScanGauge does not show the SoC of the Hymotion pack; The reset button on the unit is fully in; The Prius drives in the normal Hybrid fashion; I have turned the HSD system on/off many times; I have turned the Hymotion switch on/off several times; Temperatures are moderate: cool evenings in 50's and days are in 70's (Florida winter); Humidity is normal; Elevation is 5'. What is wrong? Any ideas? Thanks, ~ Erik KlnAir4U
Do the taillights blink when you plug it in? I can't think of anything that you might be able to resolve yourself; take it to your Green CHIP dealer and have them take a look. Describe the blackouts too; the pack has a 3 year warranty.
Yes, the taillights blink upon plugging in; And, there is a brief current draw of ~ 900W for about 33 seconds (remember, the pack is fully charged and doesn't discharge).
By any chance was something done differently prior to the Hymotion kit not working? I have had that happen too, but only one time, and have a theory but no independent confirmation. So if PlugMeIn finds the same circumstances we may be able to verify it.
I don't believe I did anything out of the ordinary. I believe that I used the entire charge (drove over 22 miles in EV mode). I may have cycled the engine on (ie. replaced the EFI fuse -- something that I have done inerable times before). Another thought is that I have a rather long extension cord here that I used last year for about three months and, again now, have been using for the past month. The input voltage at the Prius is around 106V. One of the previous episodes when this phenominon occurred, I started the HSD with the EFI fuse in place and then disconnected the EFI fuse while the engine was running. I usually don't disconnect the EFI fuse when the enigne is running but do it before the engine comes on. Because the Hymotion kit is behaving as if it is discharged, I'd like to be able to positively verify that it is, in fact, fully charged as I feel it is. Is there another easy way to check its output voltage (considering that it isn't being recognized by the Prius)?
OK, I don't know what the EFI fuse is, or when or if mine has ever been replaced, or how that affects cycling the engine, or if that engine cycling has any effect on the Hymotion kit. If it is the little fuse by the Hymotion battery that is always tripping, that would definitely indicate a long-term problem. When I start out, I have the kit off, put the Prius in R, back out, put the Prius in N, then turn the Hymotion kit on. That way too, I can decide when to have the ICE warmup. Now, my theory, which is just a theory of course, is that in fact the Hymotion battery is overcharged. I know, it doesn't seem to make sense, but the time I had a problem was when the car wasn't driven for almost two days, and was left plugged in. I've never read any literature that stated a maximum plug-in time, but now I'm definitely not doing any longer than 8 hours.
I leave mine plugged in all the time and have not had any issue. Best bet is to take it to your nearest Hymotion dealer and let them figure it out. Its still under warranty.
I started experiencing the same symptoms a few days ago on our 2007 Prius with an L5. The dash light is always off, the tail-lights go on for about 7 seconds (so I think it is charging), but my gas mileage makes it clear the L5 is not doing anything. My nearest L5 dealer is 5 hours away, so if anyone went to a CHIP dealer and got this resolved, I would appreciated hearing about it. Thanks
I did get this list from A123 of things to try (which I have not had time to do yet). Here are some things that you can inspect on your own: Service Grip: With the car off, make certain that the orange Service Grip on the left side of the pack is pushed all the way down. You can pull the handle up, then push back down. You should sense a positive click into place. I wouldn’t swing the handle out and remove the service grip. If you haven’t done it before, you may struggle getting it back into place. This fault manifests in “9†blinks. Inertia Switch: With the floor board removed and the car off, you will see a small hole in the left rear of the top side of the cover. It may be covered with a rubber plug. Under this opening is an inertia switch that deactivates the pack if the car gets in an accident or even a minor bump. Find a rod or drill bit that just fits through the opening. Using the back side of the drill bit (not the sharp side!), push down repeatedly on the inertia switch that’s just below the cover. This resets the switch if it became activated. This fault manifests in “8†blinks. 12 Volt Aux Battery: If the 12 volt battery looses significant charge the BMS will not start in a healthy state. Make certain that the 12 volt battery maintains 12 volts while at rest. This fault manifests in “14†blinks.