I'm really interested in getting an 06 prius, but like most smaller cars I have problems fitting comfortably. I'm not "fat" just BIG. As in 6'5" 290. Imagine a pro football lineman, and that's me Anyway, how well do larger people fit in the prius? I've got a 97 4runner right now and I fit just fine. I could just go test drive one, but I'd like to get people's opinions first. Phyte
Hmm... might be a really tight fit. I'm 6'3/200 and it's no worse than I expected, but I'm glad I'm not any taller. Longer legs would be worse than a longer torso.
I would suggest renting one and driving it for a day or so. I have noticed on this site some big people seem to think it's just fine and some do not. One guy posted that he was ready to sell the car after the first day and he wasn't as tall as you are.
If possible rent, or find a friend with one (maybe someone on this list) or definitely do a test drive. I'm 5'6" and 160 lbs. The seats are comfortable (to me) as to be able to sleep in them, but there are several posts of people that are in pain after an hour or so.
Actually one of my buddies at Sun® has an 05. I'm having lunch with him this week to do a test fitment. I've owned smaller cars, and was able to get over the fitment issues because of how the car made me feel. Good example, datsun 260z. Also when I first met my wife she had an 89 nissan sentra. I fit just fine in it. Fingers crossed! Phyte
Other things to check from other taller Priuschat members: See if the informaition cluster with the digital spedometer and such are visible when you sit down. At least one other Prius owner has mentioned that since he's so tall, half of the display is cut off because it's reflective...
I'm 6'1 230 lbs. I have the steering wheel up as far a possible, and my biggest annoyance with the Prius is having to contort my legs under the steering wheel when I get in. I wish I had the legroom that the folks in the back seat have, it seems more ample.
I'm 1.91 meters (6 ft 3 in) and 83 kilograms (180 lb). Prius fits me well. It is a good fit and a comfortable drive for the first 15,000 mi. Lots of leg room. Good visibility of the dashboard. Easy reach to steering wheel and central dash controls. Just right for arm rests left (the door) and right (center consol).
It is really hard to say. Some who are smaller have issues, while some who are taller are ok. I'm big too at 6'5" and 260 and I don't have a problem with the drivers seat. The passenger isn't quite as comfortable, as I have to recline somewhat so my knees aren't hitting the dash, but I can make it work for trips and such. The seats could be a little wider, but they don't seem to be much different than most cars seats in width. As others have said, try it out for a test drive. I always make it a point to try length, etc, issues in person to make sure it will be okay.
A test fit is still the best idea. If it doesn't work for you and you are still in need of new wheels, I understand that the new VW Beatle is great for oversized people. (For purposes of full disclosure, this is being posted by a 5' 3.5" 122# individual)
Nah.. that's reserved for the kiddo's Thanks for all the responses. I'm really hoping that fit is not an issue. I've calculated the cost of gas over my 4runner and the prius pays about 34% for itself over 7 years just in gas savings(assuming prices stay around $2.50). Phyte