Brave P-Souls: The inquiring mind(s) want to know...what type / size tires are you plowing in the snow with? Cheers and Happy Holidays!
Nope --- It'll be in the garage....that's what the Outback if for. We've changed to good tires and played with it in the snow but the Outback is our amazing winter wonderland vehicle!
I have only had her for 3 months now. She's an 07 and has lived her entire life around here. No significant rust to report. It took my Toyota truck 14 years to rust to the point that it was unsafe to drive so I figure I have several more in the Prius. Lol Nope Thanks for the welcome. Great resource here. Everyday I learn something new. Dave
That's right. Check it out- from the Washington Post: Hmmmm . . . . . let's seeee . . . . . I know it's here SOME where .... now ... where DID I park . . . Hard to believe you east coast folks would bother going out doors some days .
Ok, so this is not much snow. BUT, it happened in Birmingham, AL on Christmas day. SO, it is a big deal to us.
I recently got my 2008 and with all the horror stories I have read I decided not to even attempt driving in NYC's first storm of 2010. The car will stay in that spot until it's safe to come out.
Thought it was my Prius at first, but then I remembered I parked it around the corner. It's an insight.
This is from the NJ storm on 01/27/2011... Can someone also tell me how you load the images as full size and not attachments? Thanks - Dan
If the pictures are web-accessible, simply use the picture icon and enter the URL. If they are not, you can first load them as attachments and once they are uploaded, get the URL and then use the picture icon. I believe there is also a photo album thing here too but have not used that.
14th Street, Manhattan. Taken at around 3 a.m. near the end of the 1/27/2011 snowstorm. The snow was a heavy, wet snow, which resulted in the clumping effect you see. [IMGLINK][/IMGLINK]
I actually do. Living in western PA (GO STEELERS!) and I have a spot of rust under the rear left passenger door opening on the outside. Very infuriating--not sure why or how it got there.