Re: wheels Am I they only one who gets annoyed when people don't even try to post in the correct forum?
Re: wheels Tommy, I believe the Toyota part number for the 17" wheel is: 42611-47170 However, I came across this warning: *** This wheel is for the Prius V only, the ABS Unit & EPS is not set up to accept a 17" wheel if you don't have the V ***
How about cutting me some slack on this thread and where to place it correctly.I'm new here and need to learn a little more. Seems you'll get more out of life by helping people than not having a life and getting annoyed over something so trivial.
Re: wheels so what does that mean? Has anyone put 17" V wheels on a II, III or IV? Is stopping distance noticeably longer?
Re: wheels I've had the OEM 17s on my IV... Handling was amazing, much better than the stock 15s. Stopping distance might have been a hair longer due to higher rotational mass but definitely a lot more stable during panic stops and while braking and turning... What gets me is that Toyota goes through all these hoops and disclaimers to ward off any owner from wanting to change out their rims... yet a dealer will have no problem selling you a Prius with aftermarket +1/+2 upsize rims (at least that's what I encountered during the whole Cash 4 Clunkers craze).
The V uses a brushless motor for the electronic steering, the lower models use a cheaper brushed motor. Brushless motors are more expensive, last longer, and generally put out more power. Toyota used a brushless motor to handle the increased steering load of the wider tires. I don't think anyone but Toyota knows how long the steering system will last if you upgrade a non-V to 17" tires.