Hello, It appears that the inverter needs replaced in my 01 Prius. Any body got a link on the removal proceedure? Joe
There is a TSB that outlines precautions for removing it and there are two pages in the repair manual that describe the removal procedure. This information is available on TIS, to which you can buy a one or two day subscription for not much money I can offer two pointers: 1) Its high voltage, use proper precautions. (remove service plug, wait 10 min etc etc). Don't proceed if you are not sure about the safety precautions. 2) Removing the windshield cowl and wiper motor/transmission makes for easy access. PM me if you like, I can supply more info. Eric Adopt A Part
Freidawg trolls this forum in an attempt to sell parts out of his junkyard, despite (1) the forum being non-commercial and (2) being asked repeatedly to cease such activity. One might reasonably assume that he conducts business with the same level of ethics and respect for others that he has shown here. He's given out a few prices, and not surprisingly, they were on the high side. Many folks who come to this forum with broken cars don't know what a reasonable price is, and they are a bit ripe for the picking. Freidawg may also PM you in an attempt to sell his parts. Not exactly a friend of the forum, IMHO.
While those cautions may be well founded and well intentioned, freidawg's message here was noting but helpful. I reckon Joe can read freidawg's other PC posts and come to his own conclusions.
I disagree. I think it would be quite logical to first ask how it was determined that the inverter was at fault, particularly since it does not fail often on the Gen I Prius. I also think it would be a shame to see someone go to the trouble of buying and installing a replacement inverter to no avail, and I'll guess that you share that sentiment. But freidawg didn't ask that question. I'm not surpised; after all, he sells parts. And the "PM me for more info"... well, I think we both know where that may be going. I reckon that Joe can read all posts—including this one—and come to his own conclusions. However, I doubt that many folks with broken cars will be able to take the time to research the posting history of everyone who responds to their question. Nor should we expect them to do so. They come to forums such as these hoping to find reliable and impartial advice. It is also useful to recall that freidawg has only slightly toned down the sales pitches, and only then after some strong words were sent his way. Rest assured that he still has PriusChat's PM system at his beck and call. He'll land on his feet.
You can find the info online at http://techinfo.toyota.com. Why do you think it needs to be replaced?
Good ol' JK450. Right on cue. The anonymous "expert" with vague/undisclosed qualifications whose main contribution appears to be to criticize and complain. If there is a thread that goes off topic with an adversarial tone with 30+ posts its usually JK450's handywork. The public discussion forum has no "send to spam folder" functionality so we get to see all the messages posted whether we like them or not. JK450's solution to postings he doesn't like (who knows why) is to attack, incite and accuse. In a public forum and, unless the moderators edit it, each contributor can post what they want. Emboldened by the anonymity that an online forum provides folks like JK450 are quick to turn the tone negative, distort another members posting, accuse based on "assumptions". There are several knowledgeable members of Prius chat who no longer post here due to JK450's antics. Who's a friend of the forum? Everyone has an opinion. Eric
I haven't represented myself as an expert on this forum. I really have no idea why you would claim that. Basically, you've been trailing folks with broken cars, trying to sell them parts that they may or may not need. You got caught. You then tried to do it on the sly, and got caught again, and now you're mad. But no one ran to the forum moderator to kick you off. Indeed, you've been given plenty of room to get it together on your own. You're not a victim in any way. If you want to advertise, ask the moderator to change their policy, or start your own forum. Easy. A friend of the forum is someone who is here to help, not to line his own pockets. That's my opinion.
Hello, a brief update, My inverter wasnt the problem, it wasnt the ecu either, it is the transmission. This stuff is technical but actuallly very simple in moments, Dont take it personal, its only a car. Joe