Toyota is branding the Prius in video games this year. 2 games showcased are Gran Turismo 5 and Little Big Planet Prius level for download. Are they trying to get kids to try out the Prius before they get their license. Maybe they will put a toy prius in a McDonald kids happy meal. WHAT DO YOU THINK OF TOYOTA'S STRATEGY TARGETING VIDEO GAMERS.
Why not? Todays kids are tomorrows purchasers. This isn't a "Joe Camel" type of approach, it's just making Prius more familiar... Video games are a marketing platform, just like any form of media. I suppose what content they chose to associate themselves with, would be important...but in general the strategy is simply a sound approach. I don't have any problem with this.
Cool... I've no problem with this as well. Oh, and they put the 3rd Gen Prius in The Sims 3 as well. Heck, even the Prius V is in it now as well: Store - The Sims
Are you asking me or Ronald? Get a HUMMER in your Happy Meal — Autoblog
I watched my nephew play GT5. When he selected the Prius and drove for about 20 seconds he exclaimed: "What, are you kidding me!". He was not impressed. The Prius is no Ferrari.
Well, yeah - against a Ferrari, it will get wasted. But organize an online race of just Prius - then it's skill.
I think it's a trip to use the Prius in GT5. It's a Gen2 prius btw, and it really starts out slow in a race, but it can hold it's own once up to speed. I won quite a few races using the Prius.
Really? I thought it was a Gen3.
I was about to say the same thing. The Gen3 is in GT5 but it's called a 2009. I believe it was released as an '09 in Japan vs '10 in the US.
My only complaint with the GT5 Prius is that the horsepower rating does not include the electric motor. 134hp Vs 98hp.
That could well be true, but I know it's slower than a real gen3 prius off the line. It drives about the same as mine other than the acceleration... I didn't know the Japanese market got the Gen3 before we did. (makes sense that they would!)
I played with the prius in gt5 and it was so slow haha. But it was a blast going around corners. I only played with it in arcade mode so I don't know if you could do any upgrades to it.