after 8 short weeks of prius ownership, I ended up in accident. I was stuck in the snow in the median after hitting some ice, another driver did the same thing and then crashed into my car. Spun me 180 degrees. Thankfully I stayed inside it. Car is at the bodyshop right now, Waiting to hear the word on what is going on. I was going to post pics, but since i'm a new forum member it won't allow me to post the images from photobucket.
8 weeks huh??? That's just wrong! Just reply to each of us, I believe it's 5 posts, you can then post a link to the pics, or start a album, post 'em here!!! Nice to hear you OK!
8 weeks. Replaced an 08 Matrix with the prius. someone lost control infront of her and she took the wall rather than the other traffic.
Ohh :-( I'm sorry to hear/see. I don't know anything about repairs...wondering what all the experts think.
I have seen much worse that was not totaled... As long as frame is not bent too much, and as long as engine/hybrid didn't take hit.... Looks cosmetic except right side.. Full replacement on the front suspension for sure, new front fenders and doors.
Looks like mine a few years ago. Took a hit across the front of my '06 right around 8 weeks. Because of various shortages of qualified personnel and equipment, took 15 weeks in the dealer's shop, $15,000 repair bill! Fortunately, insurance covered all but $500 of the shop bill and $250 of the rental. After all is made right, look for come-on offers from the dealer for a trade. Ours did so after two years, and we were able to trade up to an '09 for only $7500 (both were top-of-line package 6). They never asked about the wreck, even though their own shop did the work!
We got rear-ended about two months ago (left rear) in the notorious Wiscasset (Maine) Route 1 backup area -- following Dodge van didn't notice that the next 100 cars had stopped. Crumpled sheet metal up to door (door OK), bumper, tail light, floor of trunk, and hatch (no glass). Cost to other owner's insurance: about $9,000, including rental (a midsize Chevy -- made us really appreciate Prius). Took 31 days -- very nice job, all real Toyota parts. [Conveniently happened across the road from the tow/body shop and within walking distance of the rental car place, all AAA certified] Looks like $15,000 for this one!
i'm not sure if it's mostly cosmetic. I was at a stand still, and the Dark Blue 08-09 Camry that hit me was going about 60 I'd guess. She hit me square in the passenger fender, and as i mentioned spun me 180 degrees. the drivers door needed to be kicked open. After she hit me the car started smoking and smelled of burning plastic. I shut it off as quickly as i could.
Glad to hear you're ok. Just my two cents, but it looks totaled to me, or very near it. Where in MN were you? We were on I-35 last weekend and freezing drizzle occurred. Our Prius did just fine, but about a dozen trucks/SUV's went in the ditch in about a 5 mile stretch pretty much all at the same time. Four hours later, it was all cleaned up and the roads were good again.
That's nothing a little duct tape and a dent puller can't fix. Stormtrooper, on a serious note glad you are ok.
Optimus- I was actually in Eau Claire WI when it happened. Came from Mpls and the rods were fine the whole way, it was just a very small stretch (about 5010 minutes either way) that they got icy.
So you were sideswiped and the front bumper cover peeled off? Looks awful without the front bumper cover but to be honest, my car looked similar over the weekend when I had it off intentionally. If the front wasn't hit hard and all you have is scrapes/dents it may not be a write off. All depends on the cost/value of course. Good luck! - D