On the fence 2011 prius package 5 payment is between 330-347 would it be worth trading my fj cruiser in my current payment is 262 per month, gas mileage 16mpg i have 56000 miles on my car now warranties out in 4k. I can afford the payment just trying to sell it to my girlfriend. So what do you guys think. typically drive 20k a year 60% city 20% country roads 20% highway.
Let's do the math: Prius - 20000 mi @ 50 mpg = 400 gal @ $3/gal = $1200 FJ - 20000 mi @ 16 mpg = 1250 gal @ $3/gal = $3750 Annual difference in fuel costs = $3750 - $1200 = $2550 Savings per month with Prius = $2550/12 = $212.50, Prius payment of $347 - $212.50 fuel savings is $134.50. So I'd say the Prius is cheaper than your current payment. (Sure hope I didn't make a stupid arithmetic error and look even more foolish than I usually do).
i just did the quick math myself dont think 50 mpg is right so i put 40 even though when i rented one i got 46 mpg. I still end up saving over the year. My girlfriend says to keep my current car but my current car is starting to have problems and its almost out of warranty.
Well in very short order, gas will be $4+ a gal..... is it worth it now. If your girlfriend is paying for the gas, listen to her. Personally I would dump the FJ!
Change the GF and the car???? OK...maybe not, and I wasn't serious BTW! You're basing your calcuguessing on a 'V' which you may have fallen in love with---and who can put a price on love---right? Maybe clubbing down to a IV or even a III would make the math work even better. FWIW...normally I'd say that you'll do 50MPG 'no sweat' (my current tank average is 57) BUT....(comma) you're going to take a 1-2 mpg hit for driving the 'V'---based upon what I've read in the forum (I drive a II), and the Prius doesn't seem to do as well up there in the frozen North during the dark winter months. If you're something of a conservative driver, I'd probably snap the chalk line at 45 for a reasonable average. The FJ isn't packed with all the creature comforts that the 'V' has----so maybe you can deal with a more spartan package. Just a thought. GOOD LUCK!! Let us know how it shakes out!!!
"Worth it" is so subjective. No matter how the numbers crunch, you shouldn't buy a car if you don't want it or don't like it. Test ride one a few times. Me and my wife test drove several different Prius' at 2 different Toyota dealers, as well as a few other hybrid vehicles. It just felt right to me. If you like the numbers and like the car, go for it. If you're not sure, wait. At some point, something will force your hand to do something. $500 worth of tires on your older FJ might be the kicker for you.
well i want a 3 at least don't need navigation. So if i went down to 3 that would save me 2k on the navigation which would be 25.00 per month or so.
Go to www.aaa.com to build a car & get quotes. Maybe you can find a 2010 that'll make you just as happy. A late 2010 is identical to a 2011. Even an 8 or 9 month old 2010 is identical to a 2011. (One built or delivered after the brake ECU reflash.)
Like said above, you'd be saving a couple hundred / month in gas, but need to make sure you like Prius and then see how much longer you'd need to pay for the Prius than your FJ. You'd be far better off the sell the FJ private party than to trade it in. I've never traded in a car and don't plan to. I sold my 2009 Prius for $18.5k. Otherwise I could have taken a 'small bath' like dealers say (IOW, gotten screwed) with about $16k payout.