It's long. It's boring. But it is the video of DH (JavaJunki) swapping out the horns on Rudy for a pair of Camry horns. Sorry I didn't get the initial horn sound. Camera operator error. Oh, and a special thank you to Tom Stangl for the instructions DH found here on PC for getting to the horns!
On my 2007 Prius, I tried to increase the loudness of the horn by turning the adjustment screw in each of the two horns. I don't know if what I did worked or not. But I do know that when I tested my adjusted horn side by side with a 2007 Camry horn, my adjusted Prius horn sounded just as loud as the Camry's. The sound of the Camry horn was deeper (lower frequency), but it didn't sound louder. Rene -- What do you guys think? Is your 1994(?) Camry horn louder than your Prius horn? Or is it just a deeper/lower frequency sound?
We honked while driving. It is louder, and has the lower/deeper frequency. The horns themselves are twice as big, which [should] equate to more resonance.
Thanks for taking the time to make a video of the horn swap! Changing out the horns on my 2009 has been on my "to do" list for a while. I already saw some things from your video which I need to account for, if I go forward (like an extra pair of hands or some foam to hold open the fairing and a set of metric sockets). Out of curiousity, why didn't you install a new set of horns, e.g., the Fiamm ones that Tom's document describes? I haven't heard what those sound like, but the sound I am after is the deep sound you associate with a full size car. The Prius' "beep beep" roadrunner sound is pretty pathetic!
The reason we went with the Camry horns is - they were $10. Cheapest decent horns I could find online were $60.
From: Horn Japan built 92-94 $54.81 Horn Us built 92-94 $59.47 Horn Low tone 92-96 $54.34 I think it's time to find a pick-n-pull junk yard and get a new horn. Crazy-Ray's here I come! (Crazy-Ray's is a pick and pull junk yard in Maryland)