I've searched both PC and the web, but I haven't been able to find a specific answer. I know that both wheels are the same size (15x6), bolt pattern (5x100), and offset. The question I have relates to tire size. The 2005 wheels take a 185/65-15, while the 2010 take the 195-85/15 according to tirerack.com. I've done a bit of dabbling into minus sizing, but I haven't come to a proper conclusion. The reason why I ask is because I bent one of the wheels of my 05, and I need to either replace that 1 wheel, or get another set of 4 from someone telling their 2010 OEMs. The tires on my current wheels are 185/65-15, and are perfectly good, so naturally I'm not going to spring for new set of tires just to change wheels Thanks!
While I can't tell you of personal experience at GenIII wheels on GenII, I can tell you that my winter snow tires for my GenIII (in the correct GenIII size) are on GenII wheels, and I have had no problem.
I'm not entirely certain what you're trying to do. The wheels are the same size, however, the tires for the 2010 are much bigger (the diameter is almost 4" bigger). If you want to take your existing Gen II tires and use them with Gen III wheels you'll be fine because the wheels are the same size. If you want to use Gen III tires with Gen II or Gen III wheels then you'll likely run into problems because of the large size difference. hope this helps, Brett
That makes a whole lot more sense. I based my calculations off the numbers above because I was in a hurry and didn't have time to look it up, but I was having a hard time believing that the Gen III tires were that big.
So you want to put the 185/65R15 tires from your old GII wheels on a set of GIII wheels? They will fit just fine (on the 15x6" rims) but I would probably just get a LKQ replacement GII wheel (and remove the trim rings if you want a new look).