I have a 2006 with 106K miles. Noticed after making a sharp left turn in a parking lot that the Red Triangle came on along with a beep and the message, "Problem" on the touch screen. Started happening more frequently either when the wheel is turning left or if I'm driving straight and the car drifts a little towards the left if I'm on the highway. Today it happened about 6 times. Warning goes off after a couple of seconds. any througts?
Have you checked the engine oil level? Maybe it is low. If not, maybe your electric power steering system is starting to have a problem.
Doh!!!! Dipstick was bone dry! Added a qt and still bone dry...... No leaks but I did notice gas mileage slipping. Remember having oil changed within last 6 months......
After the one quart didn't show on the dipstick I drove it down the block to my local mechanic to change the oil. Then it snowed..... hopefully I will find out today or tomorrow if there is a leak.
By "bone dry" did you mean that the oil level does not even reach the very tip of the dipstick (which is some distance below the "low" dot on the dipstick)?
In that case my guess is that your engine had <=1 quart of oil prior to your adding the quart. (Rated crankcase capacity is 3.9 quarts) The capacity between the lower and upper dimples on the dipstick is ~1.5 quarts. So, if the oil level was at the lower dimple you would have ~2.4 quarts. Since you said that you added 1 quart and did not register any oil on the dipstick, you certainly had no more than 1.4 quart to begin with, and more likely 1 quart or less. 1) I am surprised that the low oil warning did not trigger earlier. 2) I suggest that you keep an eye on engine oil level. This should be checked at least every other time you buy gas. You'll probably see that your engine is consuming oil fairly rapidly. The low oil level promotes rapid wear of the engine's moving parts.
I had something similar on turns at least. What was happening is that I had slammed the door on my seatbelt a few times and the ensuing dent meant the door sensor wasn't connecting. My mechanic fixed it quickly with a shim, haven't had a problem since. At least worth a check. Very cheap fix.