My Navigation System shows me about 20 miles out in the Atlantic Ocean. I live on the east coast of Florida and cannot get the Nav to work ? What did I do wrong or are the Satellites not working? Any help? [email protected]
its all due to Global Warmng. the snow dumped on the east coast is melting at such an alarming rate its causing the Atlantic to expand. where as before you were located in what used to be Florida, you are now afloat. bummer for you but living in Indiana, we'll soon have BEACHFRONT PROPERTY! WOO HOO!!!!
You need to row back to shore then you'll be fine! In all seriousness, there should be instructions in your manual about calibrating it? Or call your dealer for help.
The GPS in my III will get confused from time to time and show me off the road into the woods or a lake, but I puts me back in the right place within at most 15 seconds. Yours keeps you in the Atlantic Ocean all the time? See the dealer. Your car will start to rust if you don't fix the problem.
The DOD has actually been updating the control system and there have been reported issues, especially in the southern united states. They started on the 11th, but apparently are still having problems. This could be the issue. Here's an article on it.
GPS Testing Brunswick, GA. Notice Number: NOTC2777 The Department of Defense will conduct GPS tests on January 20th through February 22nd, 2011. During testing, GPS will be unreliable and may be unavailable with in a radius of 370NM centered at 304906N/0802811W or the location known as 105.25 degrees and 52.1 NM from the SSI VOR See post #1 here: SE US GPS Outage - Pilots of America Message Board
Yep, I posted about this at
See also a previous thread here on PriusChat: FAA warns of ongoing GPS issues in southeastern US due to Defense Department 'tests'. A similar warning zone is centered on China Lake Naval Weapons Center in California, but apparently that is beyond the horizon of concern of those who publicized this.