I really love my iPad for traveling. But when I try to respond to a long forum post and the posters quoted text is more than what can be contained in the edit window/box the iPad has no keyboard or other controls to move the cursor to the end of the text so I can add my .02 cents. Finger flicks which work in any other window don't work in the small edit box. Any other iPad users out there that can help me? What I have to end up doing is pointing to the end of the text in the edit box. Then hit the return key a number of times and then the backspace key the same number of times to move the text back up the edit box. Eventually I get to the end of the quoted text where I can add my comments. Thanks
Unfortunately, the iPad isn't a good content creation device and is not so great for editing. I have no iPad (have an iPhone 4), but have you tried using two fingers to scroll the text box? How about press + hold to get the magnifying glass and then dragging down? It seems to scroll w/that method, but very slowly.
Yes, I feel your pain. I have the same problem when sending messages in PC and Hotmail with my iPad. I have not figured out a fix - either.
What do you consider is the difference between the two? After all, I browse the internet, email, I have a word processor, spreadsheet, data base and presentation software like PowerPoint on my iPad. I also play some fairly graphic intensive games, watch movies and Netflix plan trips and route myself around traffic with my mapping software. To me my iPad has as many if not more capabilities than a computer. BTW, I can rotate the screen to get the best perpestive on pictures or view wide screen movies, it also has a dual-touch screen, Bluetooth, the ability to plug into a HD big screen TV via HDMI and play HD content. Can your computer boast of so many features and capabilities in a package weighing less than a pound? By Golly your right it is an iPad not a computer! :thumb:
I believe the iPad runs on a Linux derivative or something similar, so if your HTC is some type of Android device, as I suspect, then your dissing your own equipment, anything else doesn't even come close. IMHO :rockon:
ipad runs iOS. It s derived from OSX which is derived from Darwin which is derived from Unix. Derived from does not equate to being similar or equal. My HTC phone I can boot into Ubuntu, Android, or Windows Mobile. FYI, I have been using tablets for over 5 years all with more capability than the iTampon. My current tablet has a 12.1" screen. It is a multitouch finger and digitizer based system, best of both worlds. It has a top of the line Core i7 mobile processor, 8Gb of RAM, and a 1Tb HD. Also has built in accelerometer, and every port imaginable. I can turn the screen around and reveal a keyboard. My battery lasts 4 or so hours, and then I can attach my slice battery (without powering down or anything) for another 4 or 5 hours. As for my phone, I also have everything you mention plus the ability to run any code I ever wanted, as well as connect any USB hardware I want that has a linux driver.
Wrong. The fix is for web designers to wake up and realize the iPad isn't going away any time soon. Once they, and people like you, realize that FACT, they can start developing interfaces which work properly with it. Zhe Wiz
*You use two fingers and move up or down. That will scroll within a box.* For typing large amounts, the Clamshell is great. It's a high quality cover with a built in BT keyboard. Don't want to use the keyboard? Just flip it over and use as the native tablet. About $115.
^ Thanks for the tip. :thumb: I actually found a similar device but with a thinner soft cover. I found it at Sim Lim Square downtown Singapore. It's called a Porcupine it's about 1/4 inch thicker than my regular case and iPad and has a BT keyboard which lasts a week on one charge, very nice at appox $69.00 US, $82 US with VAT which is refundable. I'll try the two finger thing but the box is fairly tiny and my fingers aren't, LoL!