I have looked and looked for cargo carriers and trailers. I guess I am finally leaning towrds a carrier with trailer hitch. I think the best place to look is etrailers.com. Also for a decent trailer check out the link below. piggybacker.com
I've recently been looking to get a hitch mounted cargo carrier. I found that Curt part number 18140 looks identical to the Draw-Tite brand on etrailers and a google shopping search found it for as low as $90 with free shipping. I especially like that etrailers advertises it mounted on a Prius! I also like the Draw-Tite part #6505 bike adapter. My primary use for the cargo rack would be to carry collapsable wire dog crates and it would be nice to stand them up and have that bar to strap them to and would keep the weight as far forward as possible. Looks like a 20"x48" carrier should be less than 50 lbs so 150 lbs of cargo shouldn't be a problem. The piggybacker trailer would give less concern for tongue weight but still I don't think I'd want to pull a gross weight of anything more than about 400 lbs. The trailer alone is 170 lbs and costs $975. I think the biggest drawback to the trailer is not being able to park in ordinary parking spaces. With the cargo carrier you could probably still fit in a parking space.
For future reference for those who see this post, we found this rack (Raider ATV-23 ATV/UTV Cargo Carrier). I will update again after we've used it a few times.... but it fits a Class I 1.25'' hitch, weighs ~25lbs, has a raised option, and gets good reviews for smaller vehicles and traveling.