I'm in the final phase of fixing up my Three, put on the mini mudguards, fog lights, lower chrome molding, lit door sills, and am now torn on what to do with the body colored side moldings. After moving them 100 times I've got them stuck on with tape now on what I think is the sweet spot to see what they're going to look like, . In one way it looks like there's just too much stuff on the side, but then after looking at it for a few minutes the 'unmolded' side looks...plain(er). And though they won't provide much protection from the Dreaded Door Dingers, it would be something at least. Opinions before I either peel n' stick or eBay 'em would be appreciated. It's driving me crazy!
I like them as you have them. Although I have to admit, my car is not taking hits like I thought it would. Guess I am lucky or people don't want to touch the "Prius".
IMO, they won't help you in a lot of cases. I had an RX350 driver swing open their door and it hit the upper crest part of the door panel (right above the door handles). The molding would not have helped at all and I don't like them, doesn't flow with the car, looks too cheesy. So in true picky fashion, I park as far as possible in corner spots and walk the extra distance to reduce the chance of dings. Good exercise as well...
the last time I got a new car (prior to the 2010 prius a few months ago) it got a big door ding in the first few weeks and I loved it since I no longer was as paranoid about it getting dinged. Although I am not excited about the inevidible ding(s) that will come to the prius, it is better when it happens sooner so then one's worry gets less or goes away. Ebay the door protectors and hope for a quick ding to end your concern over getting dinged~!
I like mine--every little bit helps. Color-matched makes a difference. Remember the chrome ones with black inserts on old cars? I'm also getting OEM door edge moldings to help my passengers who may be careless. I hope to have a complimentary story about the seller, if everything works out as promised. I'll report on that in this forum when I know.
They look awesome. Remove the tape and apply. It might be cluttered if you had pin striping but in the absence of the pin striping, the moldings accentuate that arrow shape and length of the car. Get it done and enjoy it. Patrick
I like those side mouldings. Im had my car a week and some lowlife walked up to it and put a line of ball point pen dings in it. A eprfect line right where those mouldings would cover it. But the local auto parts store just has those chrome ones. Can you tell me where you got yours? Thanks
If you insist on side moldings, get the one that tapers to coordinate with the shape of the car like http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii...-protective-door-mouldings-3.html#post1163015
I missed the part of the threads showing the wide side moldings, I'm going to order those, thanks so much! If anyone in the Houston area wants to pick up the ones I have shown in the pics at a good price let me know.
I put mine on a bit higher than the recommended height. I think they look fine and are an exact color match, but I got mine on Priuschat Shop. No molding can protect you from every situation, but follow my mod to see how I did it. My steps were extreme, but the moldings look perfect and have made it thru a summer and a winter with no problems.
Love it or hate it, I feel it's a necessity for us. The chrome moldings came with the otherwise "perfect for us" car on the lot so we took it. My wife anticipates frequent trips to the grocery store. She's not too keen about parking far and conservatively so we both decided we take whatever help side moldings can provide. A bit too busy for my taste (a minimalist at heart to the point that I used to debadge) but we can live with it. The best part, was that it was easy to install. I dreaded the application of the "probond promotor" which you should apply carefully because it "can dull the paint" (I did not want to dull any part of our new car even in the area under the molding). When I called the manufacturer, they said that this step was not necessary unless you were applying it in cold climate (under 70 degrees) and that the 3M would suffice. Whewwww, what a relief. In terms of measurement, I thought it wise to measure from the top of the chrome molding; that way, it would line up nicely. Measured 11.5" from this point which was very close to the recommended placement.
Nicely done eh! Mine were mounted a bit higher since I live in the land of guzzling SUVs and trucks. They have already saved me once as I came out and found evidence of white paint on my molding! It came off with some elbow grease, but had it been my door, a definite "ding" would have happened. I think yours look great too. Hope they help save your side's finish.