How many Prii do you see on your daily commute to work? Today I was so surprised by how many Gen III I had around me, I had to take my phone out! These were two gen II, the second one is to the side of the Jag. Its a pistachio green one. I posted my findings, now its time to post your findings. Lets keep this thread up!
I like your bisque interior. I have a dark gray interior. What stretch of road is that? There are a bunch on the road, sometimes there's three ahead, behind or to the side of me.
i don't pay that much attention anymore, when i do it's generally 5 or 6. had a lady pull up behind me at the gas pump the other day. same color pri, kept trying to make eye contact with her but she was having none of it.
I live in a small town and see three to four (one G2 and three G3) on my morning commute. Compared to you, percentage wise, that's a huge number. One particular silver G3 I see twice but only count it once. BTW, that driver rarely has their headlights on even shortly after sunrise or light fog. <grrr>
I see them pretty much daily--probably 2-4 on average, mostly on I-40 between Conway and Little Rock. I think I've seen three other Prii inhabiting the parking lot where I work, but they are seldom all there at the same time--given that I work in a building with a library that lawyers and the general public can use, one or two of them might be frequent library patrons. But at least one of my colleagues was an earlier adopter than I was--got a Gen II a while ago.
I typically see at least 5-10 each way while driving to and from work, and there are a lot (maybe 15-20) commonly in the parking lot here at work, with more generation 3s showing up all the time. I walk around outside at work a lot - I may try to come up with better than a wild-a**-guess count sometime. There is also one Camry hybrid here that I know of, and I think I saw a Ford Fusion hybrid here once. I just went to get something out of my car. Kind of a slow day - there's only 3 Prii in this section of the parking lot, including mine and the one parked next to it:
I see about 4 on my daily commute. We have one other Gen III at work. I am always surprised at how many I see when driving around Wilmington now. I hardly every take a short trip without seeing 2 or 3. I do not know where the Prius gets the reputation of a slow car. The ones that I see are usually in the left lane passing everyone else.
Normally 4-6 some days as many as 10 and that is pretty significant up here. Once you start looking for something you tend to see more of them.
I see 4 or 5 a day, but that seems a little thin on numbers. When gas hits $4 this Summer, that number will double or so. Prius has the fuel economy ace in the hole that no one can take away. I was pleasantly surprised at the resale value I pulled out of my 2009 pack5. Sure, it was pristine with 15k miles, but $18,500 for a used car when a brand new 3rd Gen II 2010 can be had for a little over $20k, well, that's a great resale. Imagine what resale would be like with gas over $4 / gallon. Very good. Enjoy your Prius'.
If you can get pictures of most of them, you don't have very many around. For sport, I count other hybrids, and spot more Civic Hybrids than 3rd though last place combined.
We drive 25 miles one way to dowtown Minneapolis and see at least 12 plus each way, and thats just what we notice. Its kind of a game for us when we see another Prius we call it out. Even our 2 year old son will yell out "Prius" when he see's one.
I generally see a few on my 25 mile drive to work. But I recently drove from Chicago to Atlanta and back and saw hardly any
haha . I am in socal too so i see A LOT on a daily basis. Hey Mega MPG . THat last picture .. That wasnt the 5 freeway right where the 134 freeway is was it ? From a few of the pictures that looked like the 5 freeway to me . Anyways yeah. I Recently moved to tujunga from glendale and i see a buttload of prii Thats why i will be getting one myself as well. Hopefully a V without Nav so i can put my own nice nav in it! I see so many now that if i drive one no one will hassle me about it or make fun of me !