Just purchased a Prius and hope it wasn't a big mistake. I read that they can have problems and be difficult to drive in the cold weather. Can anyone verify that?
haven't had any problems so far in cold weather. You might not see the best mpg that the Prius is rated for. But its still good. And still handles good in the snow. Enjoy your Prius! And Welcome!
11 Winters for me with a Prius in Minnesota. Still no problems here. Think about how for every complaint online, there are scores of others who are driving along just fine in the north. Forums tend to amplify perception. There usually isn't any reason to sound off when everything is working. .
You have winter in Va.??LOL A few days ago it was -8 here with lots of snow and the Prius was just fine, except for the low mpg's but that's to be expected
Everyone has their own preference when it comes to vehicles, and if you truly would have preferred a Civic perhaps you should have bought one. Give the Prius a chance though. After a while you may be glad you bought the Prius instead of a Civic! I am curious though, why do you feel you would have preferred a Civic right now? By the way, I've been very happy with my Prius here through several Chicago winters.
You probably should have gone for the Civic. I personally think my Prius drives better in the snow than my Jeep did. I also like when I turn corners my traction light doesn't declare me an idiot all the time. I did get some cheap snow tires and wheels.
I had a tinge of buyer's remorse buying the Prius in January due to the wintery driving conditions. I was used to a very solid winter ride in my suv with fantastic tires. It just took driving the Prius more and more everyday to get the feel of the vehicle. I've not been disappointed. Let me tell you, buyer's remorse has since vanished and I'm loving it everytime I drive it. Best wishes!
I owned a 2008 Civic EX-L. And I have to say so far I like the Prius much more. Its more solid, better mpg, and I don't think it’s made as cheap. The Civic was made with super thin metal. And I had wheel bearings go out at 20k miles. I bought it new. Don't get me wrong, the Civic is ok. But with both cars being near the same price new (mattering on what level you want) I think the Prius is made a little better. I also test drove a Honda Insight before test driving a Prius. And at the time I thought, the Insight is not too bad. I've never owned a hybrid, so I wanted to make sure I drove the Prius also. Wow, what a difference. The Insight is nice, and seems smooth if your new to hybrids. I knew when the motor was running and when it wasn't in the Insight. The blue and green color with the Speedo is a nice indication of good gas mileage. But the ECO bar in the Prius is I think more accurate. Also the Insight only comes with rear drum brakes. And the Prius only comes with all disk brakes. Sorry got a little off the Civic there but I was trying to compare more apples to apples.
I decided a while back that there really isn't any use in announcing "Troll!" in a thread. To do so ends up becoming a rather trollish behavior itself. If the person being called a Troll isn't actually trolling, then you've just successfully managed to insult and offend a newcomer who may have been looking for advice, information, or assurance. Scaring such newcomers away, when they otherwise might eventually have become informed contributors to the site seems like something a troll would want to accomplish. On the other hand, if they actually are a Troll, they already know it. Announcing it feeds their fun as it confirms in their mind that they are causing enough frustration that someone actually calls them out on it. It encourages them to act out more or to come back with a new ID. It keeps their troll threads active and bumped to the top of the "recent posts" lists. So in this case also, calling out the troll ends up being a rather trollish activity. If you honestly think someone is a troll... First and foremost, Do Not Feed The Trolls! (meaning, don't respond to them at all). Like a fed bear, a fed troll learns quickly exactly where to go to get more fun. Second, click the little red flag in the bottom corner of the post to alert the Moderators so they can make a judgement call and remove the post or thread if necessary.
Well, no car is perfect to be sure. No matter how much you spend, it is still just a car. Spend $200 grand, get a Ferrari, it is still just a car, will have some problems, quirks and will cost more than most mere mortals can afford. But, it is important that you want what you have like Sheryl Crow said. Prius is a good, all-around car with exceptional fuel economy and great usefulness. If you must have something that has a little more sporting edge, well you really can't say a Prius fills that bill, although the Five is closer. But, there are times when a full hybrid Prius will reward - like when you end up in a long line awaiting a metering light to get on freeway - you are burning no gas while creeping forward in the line. That is as cool as it gets short of a plug-in. I bought an Accord Coupe, brand new, $28.5k OTD. It's nice, I really like it and it suits me well. There is a price to pay for that as in higher operating costs - almost 40% higher given the miles I drive (27.6 cents/mi Prius vs. 39 c/mi Accord). Civic would be closer to Prius costs, but Prius is a more robust car overall that can be had with many more features. Can you get smart key, economy displays, and of course 50 MPG in a Civic ........... N O .
I agree. Either it's a severe case of buyer's remorse or he's just baiting the Prius crowd. Of course, for about a $3K hit, he can trade the Prius into a Civic. Happy Motoring, Tom
When I bought my 2010 Prius it was after I did a lot of research, driven a Honda Civic Hybrid and an Insight. I really liked the looks of the Civic but without the folding rear seat it was too limited. The Insight was just too cramped. My Prius III is nearing the end of it's second winter and my only complaint is the noticeable mpg decrease. I've even tempered that by blocking a portion of the grill. I get upper 40s mpg even in below 0 F temps. The car starts well and handles snow fantastically. Love my Prius as much as you can a machine.
Thats funny I thought I was the only one who had "buyer's remorse", I tend to get it with other things , like you said it does go away as you use the Prius. I'm sure not many people are totally pleased with any new car in the dead of winter as it seems most car companies use the cheapest tire they can buy. I bought my 2010 Prius in July and now in the dead of winter I'm not getting the milage I wanted, but winter will end and it will get better. Saturday wife and I went out and bought a 2011 Rav4 and when it comes the snow all I can say is wow. But it to is ony getting 18 mpg but I know it to will get better, time heels all. Good luck with your Prius , I'm 100 % sure it will grow on you
Folks who hate the VSC are folks whose driving style involves spinning the tires to get places. The Prius won't. So think back to how often you spin your tires now. Will you miss that?