Let me start by saying Although ive had some minor issues with my Prius its without doubt one of if not the best car I have ever owned.Drives and feels like a much larger car while getting awesome MPG's. My point here is however the reaction of others when I traded in my gass guzzler Chevy Pickup(15mpg on a good day)for the Prius.just about every guy I work with asked ''why would you trade in a truck for that?'',to which I respond''dont be a Prius hater"". The best part is as gas prices break $3 a gallon here in Nj and the projection of $4plus by summer is in the news just about all these guys have approached me to ask how much my payments are and how I like the car...and im loving it. Have any of you guys experienced anything like this?
I don't know what it is up here but no one has approached me about my Prius (bad or good). I know my father was really surprised it only cost as much as it did. My neighbor (Mr. Jones) tried to get one after I did but C4C started and there was no more to be had. But that is about it.
I also received a lot of heat when I originally purchased my prius. My previous vehicle was a 2005 Chevy Silverado Z71 that average 15-16 mpg. I live in Wisconsin and people are willing to pay a lot of money for 4x4 trucks. Hearing that gas prices will soon be around $4.00 per gallon soon, I decided to sell my truck and buy a used Prius. I love the decision that I made. When gas gets to 4.00 per gallon the value of my Prius will increase while all the gas guzzlers will decrease in value drastically. I remember when gas skyrocketed a few years back. Old rusted out Geo Metro's were selling for $6,000! The people who give you crap for buying a Prius will change their mind once they have the opportunity to ride in it and witness the amazing MPG and features the Prius offers.
i don't know if it's the income level of people i know, or their mentality, but i have had very few questions about the prius in almost seven years now. typical is, 'oh, that's one of those prius huh?' and that's it. oh, they all complain about the price of gas, but they have no intention of givingup their suv's, sports cars or whatever. glad you're enjoying the ride!
I have a reply locked and loaded for these guys. I found it here on PC that someone had made into a bumper sticker which I might get too: "Bin Laden hates this car"
While some might be "Prius hater"s for honest reasons (can't tow, can't haul as much cargo, no 4WD, etc), keep in mind that many have probably been misled into believing a lot of false things about the car (has to be plugged in, battery has to be replaced after 10 years, only has 76hp and 85 ft*lbs torque, etc). The next time they ask, you might want to return the question: "It seems to fit my needs perfectly, why wouldn't I want to?" If they give you a reason, you can come check here to find out if their reason is valid or if they heard (and believed) something false. Then the next time you hear the same reason, you'll be able to let them know that they've been lied to.
I've had almost the identical experience that you are having. I traded in my 08 Sport Trac for a Prius. I also used to race in the SCCA, so all of my racing buddies are giving me hell about it, but when they're all paying $80 this summer to fill up their cars, I will be the one giving them hell about their decision to drive non-hybrids for their day-to-day trek to work, grocery store, soccer games, etc. I understand the urge to provide the friendly ribbing...but I think most of my friends understand the decision to go hybrid. I just laugh along with them as I drive past the gas station. BTW, your buddies might be surprised at just how much you can haul in a Prius. They're not as small as people think. I have just as much, if not more room (for me and my passengers) in this car than I had in my truck too.
Yup. Experienced EXACTLY that. I went from a 300C SRT8 (also about 15 city) to my III. Comments over the past 6 months have migrated from "How do you fit into that golf cart" (I am 6'5") to "What's it like to drive" to "How's the mileage." Of course, these are entirely consistent with the weakening dollar and rising price of gas.
the older you get, the less you will care about it. car might be dorky, but 400 miles on 30 bux aint bad
Let me say, I currently do not own a Prius. But I have researched Prius extensively. My feelings have always been thus. There are many realities inwhich the Prius is not designed to perform. It is not designed to be an off-road vehicle. It is not designed to pull tree stumps from hardened ground. It will not offer as much cargo hauling capability as an open bed pick-up. It will not impress some people. It will impress some people. Some people will look at it fondly and admiringly with respect for the machine that it is, and others will attach ignorant stereotypes and labels and dislike it for things the machine is NOT. But IMO, and I don't yet own one, for surburban or city driving...it is the perfect machine for the enviroment and the times we live in. While not offering mountain conquering power, or suspension, or Grand Utility on the scale of a full size pick-up, what it does offer is class leading emissions...and class leading MPG. Which IMO, since most of us on a daily basis, are far more likely to find ourselves in a traffic jam on the freeway, as opposed to needing to pull a tree stump from the back 40...makes The Prius a great choice of automobile for a LOT of people in a lot of situations.
Okay, sure...but your statement does NOT contradict mine. The Prius is still not designed to be an off-road vehicle.
I have had the opposite reaction.Folks have approached me (as I was sitting in a mall parking lot) and asked about my brand new Blizzard Pearl Prius Neighbors have ..ooohed..and aahhed..over it. Well, I just love my Prius
My wife used to think Prius drivers were pretentious. I convinced her into getting a Prius for our new commuter car about two weeks ago and now she's in love with it. That's the solution folks. Get all the haters in for a test drive and we'll have world peace.