Here's a few Photoshop mods on the stock Gen III hubcaps. I think there might be some potential to make them look better with some strategic painting. Version 1, stock is on left Version 2, stock is on left
Version 2 far right looks best to me. It makes the wheel look lighter, Something to consider if you go with one of the dark spoke versions is that the cast spokes behind the hubcap will stick out like sore thumbs.
I thought about that too. I liked your version 2, darkest paint. You're much better at Photoshop than I am.
How about this one, blacking out the stock rim and painting the sidewall of the tire silver to give the appearance of a bigger wheel. There are some flexible paints in spray cans that would stick to the tire. Just a light coat would be needed, it wouldn't damage the tire.
Although they are currently out of style, thin white walls would accomplish a similar visual effect: Anyone who has driven and maintained a car with white walls -- and by extension grey or silver paint -- will tell you that the amount of cleaning, including vigorous scrubbing with a stiff bristle brush, does not admit to a "light coat" of paint lasting very long or looking very good over the long haul.
Been there, done that. I had a Mercedes 280SL with whitewalls exactly like your photo. Pick up a product called Bleche White and it's as easy as spray-on, spray-off. No scrubbing needed for perfectly white sidewalls. I'm pretty confident the silver paint would last on the sidewall. Maybe do a test on the inner side of the tire. But I don't have 15" tires to try it on.