The attached is a note placed on my dashboard this afternoon. I find it funny that the person placing the note called me a "tree hugger". In fact, I am a supporter of Michelle Bachmann and Sarah Palin. Up until now I have received only positive feedback regarding my Prius and have enjoyed chatting about my car with other drivers I meet. (By the way, I park the same place every day and make a point of not blocking the dock across the street.)
I wouldn't worry too much about it. It's Chicago. It's winter time. I guess they're still pissed about the Bears. Who knows?'d they get it on your dashboard? I know you didn't leave your window down!!!
This surprises you? You drive a Prius. The "I'm an Environmentalist" stereotype comes free with every vehicle. Maybe if you slap an NRA sticker on it....
Maybe the problem was parking in front of a loading dock. If I were making a delivery and saw a Prius forcing me to spend extra time outside (Chicago-Winter), I'd be mad at the tree hugger too......and I drive a Prius.
i can't believe some thoughtful person would take the time to write you a note when a simple key would have sent the right message.
I witness the same disorder of people that hate my car so bad they try and try to shape-shift me into one of their hated stereotypes.
I am surprised you would ask that question. There are a lot of conservative Prius owners. Mainly, I enjoy getting high gas mileage; I like driving a highly engineered car that is also quite reliable; and I like to reduce our imports from countries that don't like us. by the way I meant front window, not dashboard.
Reminds me of a friend that had this bumper sticker on her car. She would get all kinds of notes on her car everyday, both nice and nasty ones. They would leave bibles all the time, too.
You know, if they are going to accuse you of voting responsibly, you might as well join the Green party.
I had an ADD moment and did not read the note. Coward. They are too gutless to say it to your face yet would rant on the internet, on the road or a note. I know - I speech.
I've thought about putting that slogan on my car, but I'm not actually a lesbian... though I have lesbian friends. Naturally, when I divorced my first spouse, he accused me of becoming a lesbian. What is it with guys and the whole lesbian thing? Do you honestly think that the only reason a woman will decide to stop putting up with your sh*t is because she's "changed teams"? To the OP... sorry you got pegged as an environmentalist for driving a Prius. Conservative = conservation = saving the environment. Maybe this is something you weren't aware of?
What I find odd is that "clickerman" only has 6 posts since Apr 2010. And to post a message like this? Hmmm...sounds suspect! Happy Motoring, Tom
Even though you say you don't block the dock across the street, could your Prius been parked where it was it difficult for a large truck to maneuver pulling in and out without hitting it?
Re: Note left on my windshield today This is the second post questioning where I parked, so I will expand on it. The building (ten years old) across the street from us (in Mundelein which is 40 miles north of Chicago) placed their docks too close to the street for their trucks to come and go easily, whether or not there is a car parked on our side of the street. Realizing they made a mistake in the design of the building, they placed no parking signs on our side of the street, which they finally took down after I complained to the village. I go out of my way to park my car to cause the least inconvenience to the trucks, while still parking in front of our building. Once a week or so a driver will ask me to move my car, which I do. This is an ongoing problem between my neighbor and me, but is really not a very big deal in my opinion. Most good drivers are able to come and go from their dock without any difficulties. I posted the note to the forum because I thought it was funny that someone would just assume a Prius driver is a tree hugging liberal. Also, I felt the note was not threatening, but somewhat humorous (wishing I would catch Dutch Elm disease.)
Hah - at least the idiot had a sense of humor - the letter is pretty funny. As for the loading dock - I would imagine then that you are dealing with someone that works at or delivers to the business with the dock - you may want to call the manager and mention it - better to take a couple of minutes to do that then have a window smashed or the car keyed.
You, a lesbian? While an interesting thought, it never crossed my mind. Shameless flirt perhaps, but not a lesbian. Tom