Husband is getting ready to disconnect battery to install a few things and the instructions say to get the code from the stereo if it's an anti-theft type otherwise it won't work when he re-connects the battery. Does the OEM Nav HU have this anti-theft code? If so, how do I find it? Thanks in advance!
You should have received a card with the code on it when you purchased the vehicle. Idealy, it should be kept in a secure location, but chances are, it's in the binder with your owner's manual! Good luck!
No card I've scoured the owners manual, the binder with all the manuals, the glove box, all other compartments, and nothing about an anti-theft stereo code. I guess I'll call the dealer and see if they can help me. Thanks!
If the equipment is OEM, there should be no anti-theft codes. You will have to reset the radio station settings and your auto-up on the driver's side window.
Just for insurance, hook up a trickle charger before disconnecting the battery. I used a cheapy 0.5 amp charger (labelled as a motorcyle battery charger) for a recent battery swap, all memories were retained. You can get 9 volt devices described specifically as memory savers, but they may or may not be up for the job.
I disconnected my battery terminal (negative side) to install the illuminated door sills last week; the factory Nav was fine, other than it seemed to do a software reload when I turned everything back on. No worries, unless yours has been replaced. Of course, YMMV.
Thanks for this information! I had the same question. Moving from an HCHII to the Prius, the Honda had a 5-digit code you had to enter each time the power was off.
Um, that basically defeats the purpose of disconnecting the battery. The whole point is to make sure that the electronics (including things like the airbags) are powered down to avoid damage or injury. Hooking up a charger to keep the system powered up is no different than leaving the battery connected. I wouldn't worry about the code - many people here have had their 12V batteries die ) including me!), and the radio still works afterwards.