Do these instructions seem correct as far as putting the car in neutral in an automatic car wash?
I was a little embarrassed and flustered my first time through an Octopus car wash, where you stay in your car. The guy was yelling at me, "Neutral! No brake!" and pointing at the sign that said the same. I finally got the right combo: Foot on brake, then into Neutral, then "No brake!" Geez!
Or better yet, press power 2 times from off with foot OFF brake. That's Ig-On. Then hold shift to N for 2 seconds. This way, you aren't draining the HV battery that can't be charged in neutral.
I am a totally new Prius Owner - bought a used '05 and haven't even had a chance to go through the manual. Are you saying that if one does this is the way to leave the car in neutral and NOT drain the battery? Is this the way to run the A/C while out of the car?? How does one lock the car and leave on the A/C? (With car off, press power buttom twice with foot OFF brake--hold shift lever in N for 2 seconds--is that correct?) I live in the desert area and it can get unbearably hot in summer - also, might leave my dog in car while I run in to a store or something-- Really appreciate your posts. Thank you.
Has anyone heard anything about not allowing car wash employees to touch the sensors on the rearview mirror? (something about dirt or finger oils permanently damaging the autodim receptors...)
The sensors are recessed quite a bit. Doubt they would get any dirt in there. The car has 4 power modes: Off, ACC, Ig-On, and READY. The HV battery is engaged ONLY in READY. AC runs on HV battery so it only works in READY. You can shift into neutral in READY or Ig-On. The car cannot charge the HV battery when it is in neutral. The MFD will tell you this when you open the driver door while in any gear other than Park. You can lock the car in READY as long as the driver door stays closed and you don't use the fob to lock it. The mechanical key is the best way.