Hi there: I have a 2010 Prius 4. The heated seats are real hot when first swiched on. After about 3-4 min the passenger seat appears to either switch down to a low setting or switch itself off (can't really tell if it's on a low setting or if its off completely). The light on the switch remains on. Is this normal operation or is there a problem? I've seen other threads on this but nobody actually states "This is normal - this is how they are supposed to work".
Thanks 32k. Makes sense. My seat heater is so hot when its on that I thought it might be overheating and shutting itself off.
The heated seats warm up and then cool down (cycle). You'll also notice that the back of the seat warms up. I've never seen any correlation between the car heater temp and the seat heaters. The owners manual only tells you how to trn on the heaters and doesn't say anything else.
The "thermostat" within the seats is preset and not adjustable. That said, I rarely find them to be too hot.
I just wish that the buttons were easier to get to and more intuitive to use. I mean a button located on the left and right instead of up and down.
I like the thumbwheel in my '06 Sienna much better. I can set it where I want it. For me, the seat heater in the Prius is either too hot or off.
I've used my Prius butt warmer a few times. I generally use it for no more than 2 or 3 minutes because it gets quite warm and I don't need toasted buns. By then I'm sufficiently warm enough to forgo additional cooking time.
Luv my heated seats, takes the edge off until the heat kicks in. Yes, the switches should be positioned right & left and turn off when the vehicle is shut down!