So I had some paint specks that were the result of parking downwind of a large tank the painters were painting. A few people at work that have taken care of their windows said to just use a razor blade - no big deal. So I did. The windshield worked great. Same for back window, and sunroof/solar panel. HOWEVER, the side windows have very evident scratches on them. I say very evident... in the sun. Once in the garage, you can't seem them at all. And the following picture does not catch the worst of it in the sun. Can this be buffed out? Result of the coating for the bead-free glass, or whatever it's called on the four & five? I use Plexus on a plane windscreen that works pretty well, but I didn't have any here to try. Incidentally, I rubbed very hard with a towel and glass cleaner in the opposite direction of the scratches. No dice. Dang....
Not sure if the scratches are too deep, but in the past I have made a paste with baking soda & water and "massaged" the glass. I have heard that toothpaste and baking soda does an ok job, but I have never tried that. You can also try taking it to a glass shop to see if they can buff it out for a few $$$.
I see you have the Prius IV which has the water repellant coating on the side windows. I suspect you damaged it with the razor?
I can't imagine how it could be repaired short of replacing the window. I'm saying this because of the window's coating. Contact your insurance company and see what they'll do regarding an OE window replacement less your comp deductible. Happy Motoring, Tom
I post this follow up in the event someone does a search for a similar problem later: Well, I visited with three glass companies in town, and all said the same thing: there is no solution that is effective. Both not effective and very messy (compound and buffing), or the distortion that is inevitable is almost always the result. I tried one's suggestion of a special wax, but with no discernable improvement. So, I can live with it, or replace the glass. I'm sure the insurance would cover it, but had I bought this car used, I would never think twice about it - it's really rarely noticeable unless looking for it... which, unfortunately, is what I'll probably do for a while.
Man thats sucks. Thanks for sharing, as this may save someone else before suffering the same fate. I would have never even thought about that. Which packages have this?
winshield scratch removal Dude, That windshield looks pretty scratched. Is it fine scratches all over the glass? I found this video when I searched for "windshield scratch removal" on google. Looks like they got some pretty bad windshield wiper scratches out so I would think there is something to get those fine scratches out too. Not sure if they sell the tools or just do the work. Anyway, just knowing it can be done always helps me stay motivated! I cant post the link. just google "windshield scratch removal". It comes up in youtube on the first page of google. Company called Unscratch The Surface
Rurecht - That looks perfect! They have locations in San Antonio and Dallas - about 3 hours away. I'm calling Monday. Thanks!
According to the patent that Toyota has on this, the rain-repellant coating is applied on both sides of the glass (on trims IV and V) so don't apply any abrasive or put a razor blade to it even on the inside of the side windows. Just FYI.
Does it say what they use because there are after market rain repellants that you can reapply. I wonder if its some sort of permanent coating. Because if it is, polishing the glass would remove it. Maybe toyota has a kit for touching up the coating, kinda like touch up paint?
You could try waxing the window with Eagle One Nanowax. I use this stuff to wax my Prius II (including the windiows) and the manufacturer brags about the ability of it to hide scratches. It just might reduce the visibility of the damage to the rain repellant coating on your glass. Nanowax will certainly not harm anything.
It's a permanent coating and yes, polishing with an abrasive would remove it. There is Rain-X, but it's not a permanent application and a touch up kit won't work because this coating is probably baked on.
Is it really scratched or is it residual paint? Try and denatured alcohol. Then try Acetone. Finally, I would try Rain X. Perhaps that will fill the scratches if indeed they are. I have the same windows V. I do use Rain X on all the windows without any problems. Try it.
We've found a solution for removing paint overspray without risk of scratching the windows: Clay Magic. It works super! Wish I'd known sooner....