Just looking to see who of us out there are driving the Prius. Hoping to see a broad array of people.
The Poll Even I Wouldn't Touch. The old realities of "race" and even "ethnicity" are slowly disintegrating before our very eyes. And not a century too soon. If this country has a "mission" this is it, IMO. Now if we could just get Zealous Religion to go away, too...
True. But I would like to hang on to who I am and where I came from. I don't want to be mixed in with everyone else. If I was Native American I would not be ashamed to say it. But like you said, this country tends to help dissolve such labels now a days. Many of us, however, can still consider ourselves one of the above. It's just for fun.
I used to be American Indian but I became white in 1977 because of an act of congress when my tribe cashed out. My grandfather was born on the reservaton and died on the reservation. My dad has a sister who still lives on the reservation. The only difference between American Indians and Hispanic/Latino is where they drew the line.
Nothing wrong with a race poll with good intentions... We're probably going to see the vast majority white simply because it's a relatively expensive car, and white people, as a whole, tend to generally have higher incomes.
this is so not true, and could probably only be said by an middle-class person+, who's probably white or thinks so anyway. just because race issues aren't forced in your face daily doesn't mean they don't exist. the world is bigger than you. =) i don't mean to be mean. i'm mixed race, and when my parents got married, it was illegal in most states (yes, in the USA). not that that means it's the same as today, but issues still arrise. from racial profiling, to high school graduation rates, to the white glass ceiling,... and most (all) groups are ethnocentric. and that sucks when one has the most power.
Only the ones who say "oot" and "aboot" and "arse"...and "eh?"... If I were Canadian, I'd be sooooo anti-American 'cause all those deep-pockets types hijacked MY sport...the NHL championship in TAMPA BAY???...a bunch of hard-drinking, mostly Canadian young men with no middle teeth called the *gag* MIGHTY DUCKS???
The choices given above aren't mutually exclusive, nor do they begin to cover all the possibilities, so somebody's bound to be offended. I have a few questions, too, not to offend, but to point some problems with this labelling race question in a hopefully humourous way... America isn't a race, it's a country. How can someone's race be "African-American"? What if they're Jamaican? Does their race change if they move to Canada? (No, they wouldn't become "African-Canadian") "Human" seems the most sensible answer.
The concept of "race" is an artificial construct left over from ambitious and well-intentioned anthropologists in the 1700s. There is only one "race" (species) - human or Homo sapien. "Ethnicity" is cultural origin. There are no "white" people, except true albinos. Everyone has some pigment. There are no "caucasians," very few people can trace their ancestry to the Caucases Mountains of eastern Europe. On a range of scale there are "people of color" and "people of pallor" with more or less pigment. The US Dept of Commerce continues to perpetuate the myth of "race" on census and other forms. As reported in peer-reviewed journals such as Nature, Science, Science News, Scientific American and others, pigmentation of skin is an "ecotype," that is representative of protection against sun light and ultraviolet radiation over thousands of generations. Darker-pigmented people can trace their ethnicity to living closer to th Equator. Lighter-pigmented people can trace their ethnicity to living closer to the North or South Pole. While the question is well-intentioned, we need new or more appropriate terminology to respond. For myself, I always mark "other" and fill-in "human".
my Mother is half Okinawan (where i was born) half Hawaiian, my Dad father was German-irish and mother was French Canadian.... so that is what i am...whatever that is