I am looking for another source for the ATEQ TPMS Quickset Tool. Revolution Supply is out of stock and doesn't know when they will have more in. I searched and searched with no luck...I can't believe no one else has these things. My new wheels and sensors arrive tomorrow and I already have the tires....guess I will have to deal with the light for a while. Well I decided to call ATEQ at 1-888-621-TPMS to see about other dealers and they said I can buy right from them. Their price is $149. He said the Mac software wasn't ready yet, but there was a new PC software version coming in about a month with a cleaner interface. He said to call back in a month and he would send me an update. I talked with a guy named Enri and he was very helpful. He even gave me his direct line and said to call if I have any problems. You don't find customer service like that much anymore!
You can also get this from Tire Rack. That is where I got mine. This is a great tool for people that have sensors in your snow tires and don't want to look at the TPMS light on their dash.
Here's what tirerack replied when I ordered winter tires from them last month but could no longer find the reset tool on their site, "[FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica]Thanks for the email, however we no longer carry a tool that will work with your tpms. We stopped selling the tool just two weeks ago, which could have helped you. I put that in the subjunctive in that we had so many problems with them, that we simply boxed up what we had in stock, and sent them back due to the unreliable nature of the results we got from it. Unfortunately, I do not know of another consumer level tool available. We have looked around for something with which to replace the Ateq tool, but have not found anything that we feel confident in offering. We do have other tools, however they more of a professional, shop grade, and have features you would never need. As such, the price starts out at about $700. I am sorry I am not of much help in this case, as I do understand. I think in the short term, it may be better to have a shop reset the system until the aftermarket catches up.[/FONT] Better yet would be the manufacturers allowing 8 sensors to be recognized!
Hmm, thanks for pointing that out. I got mine last year and have nothing but good things to say about it. I guess it is different with each make of car. But, so far on my Toyotas I have not had a problem. Seems like the best source is direct from ATEQ.