Is it just me, or is the dedicated jump start terminal (on a 2005 Prius) poorly designed? In my experience, it's hard to attach jumper cables... The bolt is recessed a bit, and therefore it's hard to fit jumper cables in there in order to attach to the bolt. To get in to the recessed area, I tried a set of cables with a flange that extends beyond the normal clamps, but it had notches for a normal size post, so it wouldn't attach to that little bolt... Seems kinda silly to have a dedicated jump-start port that doesn't accept average jumper cables... Does Toyota sell some special Prius jumper cables or something? Anyone else also have trouble fitting jumper cables onto that jump-start port?
You aren't supposed to attach to the stud, if you look closely above it, you will notice a tab, clamp to this instead:
I think I saw someone suggest keeping an appropriately sized alligator clip in the car that essentially extends the tab to give you something better to clamp the jumper cable onto.
Hmm, well, that would do it! I just never noticed that tab... Something about flipping over that cover made me feel the thing to connect to is the bolt. That tab makes more sense. Thank you!
Yeah, it's easy to not notice the tab at first. I didn't notice it until I took the nut off to add the wire shown in the picture!
You don't need the cover, it's probably just there because of the liability lawyers. As long as you have the main cover on it, everything is safe.
Yes, it's the upright square tab that's the positive connection point. But you might still have trouble getting a standard jumper clamp on that thing. So a little electrical alligator clip would still be useful. [IMGLINK][/IMGLINK]