I was just telling someone the other day how modern cars do not need to be "warmed up" before driving when living in a cold climate. It was - (minus) 30 degrees Faranheit below zero this morning. In my Toyota (NON Prius) car today, my clutch pedal stuck half way to the floor. The power steering fluid was so thick it felt like I had no power steering, the digital dash gauges flickered and made weird streaks for the first minute or so before illuminating properly, the struts were so stiff it rode like a wooden wagon, there were lots of extra creaks and groans emanating from various places, the windshield wipers dragged across the windshield like they were made out of rocks, the rear window defrost didn't even make a dent in the frost on the glass (usually it works just fine), my engine temp (scan gauge II) never got above 146F on a 22 mile drive and actually cooled back down to 109F during a highway downhill decent, and worst of all, WORST of all, the flippin' radio wouldn't turn on until half way through the drive! My car is normally in great condition--today was a reminder how cold temperatures do very strange things to vehicles. And yet somehow, without a block heater, it manages to start every time. Had I NOT just put synthetic transmission fluid in, I would not have been able to shift either. In these temps, regular transmission fluid thickens up to the point you can't move the (stick) shifter, and even in neutral, the car still thinks its in gear and rolls forward/backward or just plain stalls if you try to put it in "neutral" and let it idle with your foot on the brake. I'm eager to hear of my spouse's experience with the Prius today in leaving for work 2 hours before I even did.
My idea of cold winter weather is when we spend a week at Lake Tahoe at year-end. Low temps at that time are around 20 degrees F or so, at 7,700 ft elevation. We drive the HiHy there, and I like to start the vehicle and let the engine warm up until it produces windshield defroster heat, before driving off.
Instead of putting up with that cold BS, I simply moved to Los Angeles 32 years ago. Like Patrick, I put up with some rain and 50's....Brrrr!
Well, what I didn't mention is that while we were at -30F, International Falls, MN was -40F. They will probably make national news again. It's usually Duluth, International Falls, Tower, or Embarrass Minnesota that makes it in the national news for the coldest temps "that day." Yes, we have a city named Embarrass. We're havin' a heat wave, a tropical heat wave!
30 below and colder is hard on everything. Those temperatures are down right cruel. A block heater makes a big difference and 0-20 oil does wonders along with it. And synthetic in the trans. and rear end if the car has it, help allot as well. And the most important thing once you get under-way is a radiator cover. Hope you don't get any more 30 below stuff. Hal
Hydraulic clutch. Have your clutch fluid changed, it has too much absorbed water. Ditto with brake fluid. Synthetic power steering fluid. It has the side benefit of extending the life of the power steering. Make sure the rad is covered with a winter cover. You can put an electric heater inside the car (place carefully to avoid burning something). It won't heat it up to comfortable temps. but it WILL heat it up enough that the interior systems will work. You can turn it on along with the block heater about three hours before you want to drive (have to actually - nobody WANT'S to drive in those conditions). Yup, my old FJ40 Landcruiser was like that. Get in and sit ON the seat (no give). A little voice in my head would say "Oh Oh!". Place one foot on the floorboards and one on the clutch pedal to the floor. Both hands on the shift leaver and pry it to "N". Turn key to start. That vehicle would start no matter what, but when it was -40C/F it would start with "chuff, chuff, chuff" for about 5 sec. then "vroom" to idle. Loved that it would start and drive. Hated to do that to it.
When you think of all the varied enviroments inwhich mass marketed cars are sold and expected to consistently perform, I thinks it's a testament to modern technology, and build quality that they do as well as they do.
You are bang on about that. Not just the cars but the products we have to help make them run in all conditions around the world are just amazing as well! H
You'd think of all days, that if our Prius were going to exhibit a nonfunctioning HUD or MFD, it would be today. But it's working fine and been working just fine (knock on wood). What I do need to do on the Prius though is block the radiator more. I blocked exactly half of it with card board to see how it does, and it's not quite enough. Our G1 Prius needed the whole radiator blocked, but that car had an inherently weak heater HVAC system, so it needed grill blocking just to get warm inside when it was below 0F and to get good mileage. This G2 Prius warms up the interior like a "normal" car, but the mileage still takes a beating. Thus, I will end up blocking the whole radiator on the G2 Prius.
When people say "blocking the radiator" do they mean just blocking the grill or literally tearing into the car to block right at the radiator?
I blocked the radiator. Other people block via the grill. Blocking of the radiator requires temporarily removing the plastic cover that sits over the radiator (easy to remove).
I used to have trouble shifting my Jeep when the temperature got down to the minus teens. I would leave the transmission in R when I parked at night. That way I could back out of the driveway without shifting. By the end of the drive, the transmission would have loosened up enough to shift. I also remember having trouble with the bead seal on one tire. Snow would get in there and melt from the sun, then freeze at night and pop the bead. Several mornings I went out to find a flat. On one particularly cold morning, I snapped the tire iron like a toothpick. Steel gets very brittle in cold temperatures. Tom
Blocking the Rad. gives the best results. I normally cut a 4" circle to allow some air. It also eliminates the possibility of plastic fan blades being pulled against the rad. and doing damage. H
grill. i have mine mostly blocked and have not noticed any difference. guess i need to stuff some more in there. course, it's above zero around here so no big deal. btw, i thought frostbite falls was the coldest place in minnersoder?
It's certainly in the top 4 of honorable mentions, often at #1. As of this evening, it looks like the official records show -46F for International Falls AND Babbitt Minnesota today January 21, 2011. Embarrass was only at -43F. Sadly, these are no where near overall record-breaking. It appears to be up in debate, but in 1996, Tower Minnesota recorded -60F and Embarrass recorded -64F. They both claim to be the coldest temp in the U.S. lower 48 states in recorded history. What's also sad is this is arctic air, which means it came from up North, where it was likely EVEN COLDER for our friends in "Canadia" (as Bush called it). -30F is enough for me. If you are in a place that was 80F today, we were 110 degrees colder than that. Here's a link to a video on the Weather Channel website regarding fun with boiling water at -22F (filmed in Canada): http://www.weather.com/outlook/videos/what-happens-to-boiling-water-at--22-19419 There are numerous videos on youtube too. Pretty neat. In Minnesota, we can walk on water. (no it's true!)
I got sent to Minneapolis from my home in Northern California on business for a few days one winter. Minneapolis weather forecast was for -20F. As I was getting something out of our freezer for dinner, I noticed the thermometer was reading +5F. That I was going to a place 25 degrees colder than the inside of my freezer put things in perspective. A few days later I was on a plane at the airport and we were late leaving because some of the blue stuff in the toilet had frozen in the drain valve and they had to thaw it to close the valve. About 30 minutes later they were done and the pilot announced the San Francisco weather as "40 degrees F". Short pause, then he said "Above 0" and the passengers broke into applause.
I believe that most of us only block the grill opening......I have seen others that actually build a blocking material around the ICE. Optimus: You need a EBH plus a cabin heater for those cold morning !!!