Several people have messaged me wanting updates, sorry I'm still finishing up other work, but hope to devote a lot of time in February to the priuscan project. I'm also talking to others about manufacturing/distribution, etc. Someone also wanted to see how visible it is during daylight, here's a pic: The backlight is very bright, and even if it's in direct sunlight it's still readable. The backlight and the EV LED auto-dims with the headlights.
I would certainly want one, although it's been awhile since I assembled Heathkits ... I gave a Gen 3, but unfortunately I'm a continent away.
please add me to the list once you are ready to distribute the kit. Thanks for the time you are investing in this. I would bet that there are plenty of people over on the insight forum that would really like this (many have a Prius as their "big car" over there) Regards Wayne
It's looking more like I might actually be able to offer something ready-to-go, so no assembly required. Still might be a "bare board" like the in the picture though.
I'm in for one. I don't mind a kit or a completed product. If you end up making it a kit only, I might be able to assemble a few for people who aren't able to. Depending on the complexity of the job, of course.
It's coming together guys! I'll post more news as soon as I know it, but looks like we're going to have something really soon!
Gen II at first, then Gen III functionality as a software upgrade. After that I'll take on other Hybrids.
This is great. I was planning on getting my first Scanguage, but I'll wait and see if you have time to get yours together first, it looks much better from what I've read! Thanks for your work and updating the thread.
I'm interested. I have an ultra gauge for my Subaru, but it doesn't seem to play well with my 07 prius.