The driver side, just above the front tire, got scratched (that arch above the tire). There is no dent, just a scratch on the paint and I think you can see the metal in there? Will a paint job fix this or do I need to replace that whole part?
Yes, a repaint by a pro is the best option but will probably cost several $100's. Replacement would be even more expensive. The cheapest route (besides doing nothing) is getting a touch up pen available at most auto parts stores but results are typically less than satisfying for most folks. If it's down to the metal, you certainly want to get it fixed to avoid rust later down the road.
Dealerships typically don't do body work and would just contract it out to a local shop. Might as well take it to the shop yourself.
I'm just worried about taking it to the local shops because they might swap parts from the take the Prius's brand new part and replace it with an old part etc.
Your car's going to end up at third party body shop either way. I'd maybe ask the dealership who they recommend/use, then go directly to those guys. Don't get paranoid about parts swapping, it does not make sense for pros to jeapordize their reputation with something like that, and there's no real reason to do something like that. I picked up a touch-up paint ASAP, when we got ours, and I see Toyota's using the "felt marker" type. It allows a very fine and controlled dispersal of paint. Maybe pick one up (you'll need it sooner-or-later), and give it a try on one end of the scratch. Go very lightly, just enough to fill. Then step back 2~3 feet, and decide if you can live with it. One downside of a complete fender repaint, it will look different. In good light, things like the hue and texture will show slight variations. You might get some overspray and so-on, also.
If it was me, I would try everything to keep all original parts and repair if it's possible because all major body parts have VIN number sticker on it. I'd hate to have those parts mismatch with original VIN number.
Moved. Please, let's try and post in the proper forums...
What the body shop will probably do is fill the scratch, sand it smooth then paint. But if that's what you are willing to do, I'd do the touch up paint first like the others have said. But see if there is any "substance" with the touch up paint that will fill the scratch. If it's pretty thin, I'd fill the scratch first, then do the touch up paint. If you don't like how the touch up paint looks, then get it painted. You'll only be out of pocket the cost of the touch up paint and could have possible saved a lot of money. Mike
LOL! Thats like saying that you don't want to go to a hospital because you're afraid the doctors will steal your kidneys. Its paranoid nonsense. I never use dealer shops because dealer shops have a built in stream of business, they know they will get X number of customers because they're the dealer, whereas local shops rely on their reputation and referrals to stay alive. I have a great local shop in Rockville...not sure if I want to sic you on them or not...lemme think about it...