Date Ordered: 09/02/05 Dealer Ordered From (Incl. City/State): Watertown, CT Timeframe given for delivery: 3+ months Color: Black Option Package: 3 Your # on Dealer's Waiting List: Never thought to ask They told me I'd have to wait for a 2006, called me last night and said they'd have a 2005 in my color/package in about 3 weeks. I'll take it! Woo-Hoo!
Good luck - I cancelled my order with them after waiting 3 plus months. I finally called out of this region and found the exact package in North Carolina within 4 days. Branch Toyota is not a dealer who has a high volume of Prius sales and, consequently, they don't get the good allocations that other CT dealers get. On the other hand, they never asked for more than MSRP either. They refunded my deposit without hassle. I still plan on using them for servicing.
Well, lucky me then! She's here... I picked her up Saturday . Not quite a two month wait. Just drove from the house to my office and the gas engine never kicked in! (Ok, so it is a little over a mile, downhill, and the speed limit is 25, but I thought it was neat )
Congrats! You're going to love that car! Have fun! I'll look for you the next time I get over to the Y.