I have a 2011 Three WITHOUT the NAV package. It has the JBL system with blue tooth. I need to know if there is a hidden menu on this system. Yes I know about the you tube video it is a NAV system and no use. Yes I know you can adjust it with the steering wheel controls. Both the vehicle and the Blackberry are set to max and at highway speeds it is almost unusable. You have to turn off the heat and defrost fan to hear. Callers say the talk function is fine just the receive is low. Today in sleet the windshield almost froze over because the defrost was off while on the phone, not a good situation. If anyone has any insight to hidden menus on the NON NAV JBL system it would be appreciated. No I Phone and Nav system replies please. Yes the 2011 is identical to the 2010 as far as I can tell. Thanks in advance! All thanks for your assistance it was a Blackberry issue. I had to power down / remove battery to reset. The volume now is plenty loud on BT at 10 and goes up to 14 if needed.
I'm not suppose to reply...but I will anyway. You have to turn up the volume for the phone speaker while your talking on the phone. Use your steering wheel controls. Sorry that I answered......I know I'm bad !!
I have the 2010 with the JBL Bluetooth, but a standard Samsung phone, and the volume is plenty loud in and outbound. As another poster pointed out, you adjust the ring while it's ringing and the incoming voice while it's speaking. I believe there is some adjustment for outbound volume but as I recall it's a dealer fix. I know it's not user accessible. Can you try another phone pairing to see if it's just the Blackberry?
Troyroy, that's because you are a NY'er and can't help yourself. Besides there is not much else to do in Troy, oh I forgot you do have new fine dining restaurant there Dinosaur BBQ! Perhaps you could post a you tube video on how to work the volume controls. If you figure out how to adjust the BT volume on the non nav system let me know. I will be traveling back to Rochester past Albany from Boston tomorrow.
Jim, thanks I will try my wife's phone this weekend I have not paired it yet just got the car last week. As I said all volumes a max and your right it just may be a Blackberry issue. Its great for corporate email but terrible as a phone.
Vee: My directions were for the JBL radio w/o the Nav system. But I'm running an Iphone......maybe it is your Blackberry....... Have to run now......Dinosaur's opens for lunch soon. !!!!!!!