anyone know where i can purchase an HSD keychain? or any prius keychain for that matter? i never received one in the mail. :roll:
There are usually several on eBay at any given time. I never received one, either, so I've thought about purchasing one as well.
Ask your dealership's parts dept if they sell them. When we went to pick up some touchup paint for ours, they had a bunch of the HSD keyrings on the wall... Right between all the license plate frames. :angel:
Just got back from the mailbox and in it was my keychain.My order has been in for only 5 weeks, not bad considering many never received one. Now I wish I were one of the few who got a car soon after the keychain arrived. :wink:
Not trying to dig up an old post but do you know if you get one when you buy the car? I know they send them to you if you are on the waiting list... just curious if I should be expecting one or if I should start my search for one. I need something on my key ring besides this fob! Patrick
It may depend on the dealer. I never got one and later learned that the dealer kept the wait list to themselves. This means that Toyota never learned that I had ordered one.
I guess that means Toyota knows about my request. I got on 3 lists in about a week and a keychain showed up a couple of weeks later.
I think I read somewhere (can't find it now) that whether Toyota mails you the postcard+keyring is dependent on whether the dealer entered you into CIRS when you ordered...
Prius Pens from Ebay I just received two Prius pens from John Dommers today via ebay (See attached). As John tells it: "I was able to get a few of the Prius Pens after I helped some company officials fix an audiovisual equipment problem at a Toyota marketing meeting last year. I was running AV equipment for a non-related meeting in a room near their meeting at a hotel. I think the attending dealers were given pens. There were not many pens available and they were a highly sought after premium item as you can well imagine." John They are very rare, way cool and light up in three different modes. Gave one to my wife and I'm using the other everyday. They actually write well.
HAH!! dont bet on it. i got my keychain about 3 weeks after i ordered my car. and then my car came in on the heels of the chain a mere 4½ months later!!
Re: Prius Pens from Ebay I got the same pen, only with the Red Cross logo last year. Unfortunately one of the kids dropped it so now I have a short pen and a "3 styles of flashing" light with a pocket clip. So, word to the wise, that clear plastic top can snap off the threaded part easily. Take care of your rare pens
Very few dealers give you a Prius keychain. You can buy them on Ebay - moscowtoyota sells them usually. A dealer can also order them-sometimes. What I liked better were the Tomica (matchbox size) 2004 Prius cars- love having them on my desk (again ebay) - one silver, one blue. They get UNLIMITED gas mileage and they are cheap too (grin)!