I am picking up a 2011 III later today. It is in at the NY dealer and completing paperwork at this moment. Other dealers in my are still have plenty of 2010 in the storage lots. My 2011company car was ordered through fleet leasing that my global corporation uses. I guess I will have to wait till I pick it up to see if there are any changes (which I doubt). It seems Toyota is slow to respond in more ways than one. If buying in 2011 I would be looking for a 2011 and if the 2010 leftovers were available (for the right price) I would take it if it was basically the same. You can bet the dealers have way too many 2010 and the don't want to discount heavily by releasing the 2011.
Appreciate the update on the NY order. Finally, got to my fleet rep, and they said it will ship next week. They said two weeks on the boat, then arrival at the dealership. It has been a long wait.
My dealer (near Antigonish, NS), called me Tuesday Jan 11 and said its "order day", so my order is in for my 2011, he said it should be arriving early to mid April. Its a "February build", so I guess that means they build it next month?, anyways, its a Prius II, Blizzard Pearl (+ fog lights...hopefully after it arrives).
Some of us genuinely like the Gen 2 Prius over the Gen 3. I, for one, detest the Gen 3 console and dashboard. I waited until the Gen 3 came out, drove one, and purchased a Gen 2.
sorry if this has been asked, but does anyone know why the toyota website still has the 2010 model? They haven't updated to 2011 yet, which i find odd since they are now out and on the lot.
I was wondering the same. I've called and emailed all over the Pacific Northwest and no dealer has the 2011's here yet...so I've been told.
Here in Canada, TOYOTA CANADA: TOYOTA.CA LANGUAGE has the 2011 models if you want to take a look.....much the same as the 2010's.
I guess there are still a lot of 2010 priuses on WA dealer lots. Some dealers got some 2010 allotments last week. I was surprised to see more priuses on their inventory.
Aloha Prius Team, Did the switch from the Roman numerals to spelled out numbers actually happen as mentioned in your post? I bought a MY 2011 Prius V as per the window sticker it was not a Five. There is also a member saying that he has gotten a MY 2011 Prius I could that be true? TIA
Toyota Canada shows a Prius 3 then goes on to the other versions not numbered. Toyota USA only shows the 2010 models with the 2010 (II, III, IV, V). Mike
I'm hoping that's the case - my 2010 that I bought 12/30 was made in August. That's a good year plus of any incremental improvements that they may have baked in.
Mine has a mfg date of 10/10, which I guess is the final batch of 2010s. Hopefully my Prius got whatever improvements they allegedly made along the way.
I haven't heard any rattles, so that's a qualified 'maybe.' I only have 500 mi on the car and have owned it slightly more than 3 weeks. I understand others experienced rattles when they had more miles on the car, so I'm in a wait 'n see position now.
I've got the glove box rattle only once in awhile while at a very narrow RPM band. The center stack rattles a smidge, bug goes away pretty quickly once the car warms up (its pretty cold out here in NE PA). Nothing else really stands out.
17.5k on our 2010 built early 2010. At lowish throttle there is a vibration like buzzing plastic from the glove box area, we haven't really bothered to track it down much, it's probably only within the last 5k or so. I don't know if it's glovebox, though, or part of the dash.