:wave: Hi folks, Has anyone developed a "hood" to prevent sunlight washing out the display? I've had my Prius a couple of weeks and have noticed several times where I couldn't read the screen because of the sunlight through the windscreen. Regards, kenmac
I have had the same problem and I got a tint across the top of my windshield as well as on the windows, but it did not provide any extra shade, since the LCD is quite far into the dashboard. Any help anyone?
I made a suggestion at www.hoodman.com that they consider developing one, they said they'd look into it. Probably woundn't hurt to have a few more people suggest it.
Evan, are you sure that URL is right? All I could find there was Pokemon and other assorted "stuff" on the top level menus. Thanks.
That is one of the few complaints we have about this car too. I would definately love it if someone would manufacture this.
I submitted a request to them on their web site. C'mon guys (and gals), let all hit them up to develop this one, since we will all have to deal with this problem . Thanks for the web site Evan.
Charlene Gordon Hoodman Corp. Customer Service 20445 Gramercy Place, Ste. 201 Torrance, CA 90501 (800) 818-3946 (310) 222-8608 (310) 222-8623 Worldwide Fax [email protected] www.hoodmanusa.com Have enclosed the customer service rep's info regarding sending the specifications at Hoodman. THE MORE THE MERRIER!