The French revolution came as the result of the aristocracy and clergy abusing their "God" given powers.
No change except I would no longer need to think of strategies for dealing with bible bashers. Real estate values would drop temporarily as a lot of churches come on the market. There would be a dip in employment as ministers of religion looked for real jobs. Some would find work selling real estate. People would smile more as they wouldn't be motivated by fear of god. But my life would be pretty well unchanged as there is no god anyway. Hey Treb, I'd like to answer one more question. Someone with a bigger gun! The elected government apparently, that's why you need a well organised militia.
Maybe so, but the result, if you have studied the French Revolution, was worse especially after religion was banned IIRC.
I really, really don't want to post in this thread, so please don't make me come in here and explain the difference between correlation and causation.
It was particularly worse for the clergy and royalty. Revolutions are like chemotherapy, they ideally will kill the disease before they kill the host, but with some unfortunate side effects to the host from the chemo. In the case of the Fence Revolution the cancer was the clergy and royalty. Are you arguing that France would be better off if they had left the church and royalty in charge?
The [ame=""]Napoleonic wars[/ame] killed 3.5-6.5 million and ceeded it's superpower status to Britian - very costly therapy. The revolutions in 1917 and 1949 cost roughly 100 million lives. There are more choices than The Ancien Regime or revolution - Britain did not suffer this in part because they no longer had an absolute monarchy - France needed a Magna Carta.
As far as the royalty and clergy are concerned there wasn't large number of them. Sort of an exclusive club I reckon and since, IIRC, 20-40,000 people were killed during the FR this chemo went well afield from what was intended. The FR was kick started, I'd say, by combining political power with religious power. Always a big no-no IMHO. :nono: I have little regard for the R or the C of that time but I will say that ten's of thousands of people if not France would have been better off had they not thrown the baby out with the bath water. BTW, one of the by products of the French Revolution was the down fall of a rather corrupt leadership and clergy in the Catholic Church in 1798. Not at total loss I'd venture to say.
it doesn't matter if you do it. but, what if you don't do it, and then, Jesus comes along and you start doing it?