Hello everyone, I'm currently implementing a simulation of the prius using the THSII data. I'm very surprised on how difficult it has been to find precise and reliable information related with all the THS features like for example: Detailed Engine performance curves Detailed Motor performance curves The data I have found up to know is not very realistic but it has been the best I have found. So my request for this forum is: Does somebody know where I can get reliable and precise information about the functioning of the PRIUS. I'm also looking for a graph of total performance which will include the engine and motor power output and how they change depending on speed and in the best case for different conditions. This kind of graph is described in page 18 of the document attached to the tread. Any information, guide or comment is gently appreciated Thanks,
My memory is fuzzy (happens more and more), but I recall a palm java app that ran a model of the drivetrain. Probably not as sophisticated as I think you are looking for but it was fun. Perhaps some other old timer can recall.
Hi ingenia, Do some google searching on the Prius and Argonne National Lab (ANL). There is a website that has links to the papers that have been published about the Prius drive train by the national laboratories. There is much information in these papers. Additionally, google up Simulink NREL Advisor. Advisor is a prorgram done in Matlab/Simulink for modelling of Hybrid Electric car systems. Simulink is not a free program, but certainly with the means of a serious professional engineer. Advisor is free for the download from the NREL. Its said Toyota used the Advisor program to decide on system specifications for its hybrid vehicles.
It seems that ADVISOR has been sold to a company call AVL I guess because of that the download links of ADVISOR are no longer available. And besides that AVL doesn't have any link or information related with ADVISOR.
Hi ingenia, That is a shame! One would think that the government would maintain in the public domain key intelectual property that it has developed. You might try to find various news groups with advanced alternative vehicle researchers, to see if you might get the public domain version of ADVISOR from one of them. You might contact Professor Andy Frank in the University of California system to see if he might help you out. Try the Yahoo Prius Technical Group (exact name eludes me). Sombody on there might have a copy.