Yesterday I got a warning for use of "inappropriate" (i.e. colorful) language. I was not banned, or I would not be able to post this, but when I get upset enough that strong words seem necessary to express the depth of my feeling, I find it is best to take some time out. I have a very low tolerance for irrational and illogical thinking. Religious exclusivism, as well as the racism and homophobia which often flow from it, upsets me enough that I am sometimes unable to restrict my language to words others consider "appropriate." I personally feel that my choice of words was justified, and in my opinion there is no such thing as a "dirty" word, but this is not my site, and the owner and his mods have a right to limit what is permitted here. I do miss the early days of Prius Chat, when we were all tree-huggers, but it was inevitable that neo-conservatives and religious fundamentalists would eventually discover that the Prius is really just a well-built and efficient car which also happens to be cleaner than other gasoline cars, and they would change the nature of the conversation here. Myth presented as myth is always interesting, and often fascinating. Myth presented as reality is disturbing. And when myth is presented along with threats of torture or death against those who decline to believe it, then I become too angry to remain polite. So I am going to take some time out from Prius Chat. I'll be back eventually. I consider it sad that nonsense is permitted but that one word referring to bovine bowel functioning is not. However, it's not my site. For the time being I won't be reading or participating in the forums. I'll still get PMs, as the site notifies me of them by email. So long for now, and happy quarreling.
Good idea. I think I'll step away from the religious threads, too (but I'll stick around on the board). When we've sunk to their level, you know it's time to take a breather.
Perhaps you do need a time out. Endless tit for tat arguing is tiresome. There seems to be a smugness among some people who have been on this site for a long time. Everyone has the right to their opinion and personal attacks are unwarranted. I have family members with sincere religious convictions and it was offensive to me when you belittled them.
Sometimes a break is what you need. I tend to avoid those types of threads and the people who habitually post in them. Life is much more enjoyable that way. See you soon, Daniel.
When you've spent enough time on a forum to make friends like some of us have then maybe you will understand.
I love this forum BECAUSE of the wide variety of people from all over the world brought together because of an interest in a car.
Whether I agree with you or not, I almost always enjoy reading your posts Daniel, so please come back when you are ready.
Hey D, it is always good to have some downtime to reflect and strengthen the spirit. Looking forward to chatting in the future. p.s. I have a good book suggestion if you are are interested.