This started happening a couple days ago, after turning off the car and attempting to lock the car with the handle button, it will lock (no beep) then unlock- the same way it would if there were keys left inside. The only other set of keys are at my house, so I know that's not the issue. Doesn't do it all the time, but enough to be annoying. Same thing happens if I use the remote- lock, no beep, unlocks. The only way I can get it to beep and stay locked is to open the pass side door and lock it with the pass side door button. Anyone see anything like this?
From what I seen in other post......anything weird happens electrically......check your 12 volt could be going bad on you.
Maybe the front passenger door switch is getting flaky and is telling the body ECU that door is open when it is actually closed? Then, when you open and close that door, that activity cleans off the switch temporarily so that the car will lock.
I was thinking maybe the passenger door may be is taking some abuse, as you claimed it would be OK after opening and re-closing the door. I only say this as ladies tend to slam door. That is the impression I have gained over the years. It may not cause an issue any way. H
I've noticed something, the driver side door doesn't always lock even if you press the lock button while inside the car, you can see it trying to move to the lock position but stays unlocked while the other doors lock. Maybe the car senses that 1 door isn't locking so it unlocks all the doors when trying to lock from the outside....
I had something very similar happening on my '07 Camry Hybrid. Turns out it was faulty actuator motors on the door locks. I had to have all four replaced, one of which was not under warranty. It cost me almost $200. I would get this checked out and documented asap if the car is under warranty...
How about trying a new battery on your keyfob? Before you start greasing or taking apart your car...?
Took the door apart and (finally) got the the lock assembly. What a pain it was to remove... Inspected it and noticed that unlocking worked fine, but attempting to lock you can see the lever try to move but unable to. Tried to remove the cover and lubricate but no luck. Local dealer wants 320.00 for one, online i found one for 240(lowest price I could find) I'm gonna check a local salvage yard and see if I get lucky, if not 240.00 it is...
My guess is overcurrent on the lock actuator. You are on the right track. Contact Steve at if you can't find a used one in your local yard.