I had my toyota dealer replace my 6 year old little 12 Volt battery a few days ago, and now my drivers side window will not go down or up in atuo mode like before. i will go up and down, but I have to hold the switch like on the other 3 windows. can this be the result of swapping battries, and not having a seperate battery plugged in to hold the settings? My radio stations are not there now, had to reprogram them. Is there a fix for this, or should i take it back to the dealer. I haven't noticed any other problems as a result of the battery replacement. I was getting the red triangle on the dash light cluster, just momentarily upon start up before the swap out, but now it doesn't come on, just as it never did for the years before the battery started losing it's punch Any thoughts??? Thanks
It's explained in the owners manual, but: 1. Roll window about 1/2 way down. 2. Roll window up fully and hold the switch in the up position for a few extra seconds. 3. Done. Test to see if auto up and down works.
Please read the pertinent section of the owners manual, there is a procedure for you to correct this condition.
Thank you so much for the replies. I just did the "hold the button in the up " trick and it's fine now I brought the manual in the house a few years ago to study up on somthing and my wife put it some place "safe" never to be seen again. After 6 years this had been the least troublesome car I ever owned. only 58K miles on it, hope it stays that way til I can get my hands on a plug in version. thanks again all
I actually think the dealer should have done this for you, but now you know that part of the procedure when you change your own next time.... now on to re entering your radio presets and your cell phone contacts and dissabling the reverse beep.... and anything else you changed from the default.