Maybe it is a coincidence, maybe not, but I just installed the EV mode from Coastal Tech and I noticed my glove box light stays on when the door is closed. A sliver of light is visible. Since I took the box off to get to the plug that could be the reason, or it might have been like that all along and I just noticed. Not sure. Anyway, where is the switch located? I need to see if I push it in manually it will go off. Anyway at all the mode itself is causing the light to stay on?
When the headlights are turned on, the light in the lower glovebox is on. There is no "off" switch or detector. Any other behavior might be attributed to your mod.
So it isn't like a refrigerator then, close door, light goes out? I looked high and low for a switch but figured it must be buried inside the latch itself. That would explain that. I probably didn't get the glove box back on quite right, since I never noticed the light before. Thanks Mike
No mod here, and my glovebox light is always on when headlights are on, slight sliver. I think it is fairly strange design choice to keep light on all the time.
The manual states, when the headlights are on, and you open the lower glove box, a light will come on. They just trying to save 75 cents on a switch and afraid to admit it in the owner's manual.
The interesting thing is, the wiring diagram does show a switch integrated with the light. Observation experience says though that there is no such switch. Light follows dash illumination.
Whew - I too thought I did something to cause the light to stay on when I installed Coastal's EV module. On one hand, it's good to know I didn't cause this annoyance. On the other hand - what a dumb place to for Toyota to cut corners.
Has anyone tried to change out the bulb or is it a LED. Any way to change it to a different color? How is it accessed? (So many questions; so little time.........) Thanks in advance (Nice personalized plate there 'thundermustard')
Are you sure the refrigerator light goes off? I mean have you tested it? You really don't know if the door is completely shut that the light does not come on. I would suggest the following.. remove eeverything from your refrigerator including the shelves. Shut yourself in and report back to us. We are waiting. :blink:
Getting this thread back on topic, I first noticed the always-on LED light in the glovebox the first time I had a white piece of paper on top of everything else in the glovebox. Before that I only had the set of manuals in its black vinyl "portfolio" case, and the light did not reflect off of the black vinyl. After putting the white piece of paper under the black "portfolio" the light was no longer reflected and I no longer noticed it. So, for those of you bothered by the light shining through the cracks in your glovebox, try rearranging the stuff in your glovebox so that something dark (ie non-reflective) is on top. - Bill