Opinions on big screens and 3-D

Discussion in 'Fred's House of Pancakes' started by daniel, Dec 28, 2010.

  1. Rae Vynn

    Rae Vynn Artist In Residence

    May 21, 2007
    Tumwater, WA USA
    2007 Prius
    Yeah, Blu Ray has a few "quirks"... it takes some time to learn the different menu systems.

    Have you noticed the sound quality difference, yet? Just throwing your regular DVDs into the BR player will improve the sound, I think... and on BR discs, it will blow you away! Think Matrix, or Labyrinth, or some other music-heavy movie.
  2. daniel

    daniel Cat Lovers Against the Bomb

    Feb 25, 2004
    Spokane, WA
    2004 Prius
    I haven't noticed a big difference in the sound. But then I find the music in most movies to be really annoying. Like I said before, I had a really good sound system on my DVD player, and in fact I'm using the same sound system still, just feeding it into the DVD player (now being used just for the amp) from the BR player through an optical cable.

    It's also possible that at 62 my hearing is not what it was. And it was probably damaged during the years I worked on the farm.
  3. boulder_bum

    boulder_bum Senior Member

    Mar 11, 2007
    Castle Rock, CO
    2007 Prius
    It's worth it just to see what Blu-ray can do! I thought the story itself was good, not spectacular, but seeing it on Blu is pretty mind-blowing, IMO.

    Yes. It's awesome.

    If you don't want to watch any of those, AVS forums has a pretty good list going:
    The New PQ Tier Thread for Blu-Ray - Rankings - AVS Forum

    I don't always agree with the rankings (for instance, "Hot Fuzz", while completely awesome, doesn't really knock you on your butt with the visuals), but in general it's a good guide.

    Push "menu" (not "top menu"). It depends on the disc, but most not only have a visual chapter select, but also have it as a pop-up on screen so the movie keeps playing while you make the selection.

    As for fast forward, try pushing it multiple times. On my player (Sony) it goes from slow fast forward to 30x fast forward depending on how many times you press the button.

    Just give in and watch "Avatar". :) I promise the experience won't disappoint.

    At any rate, the intensity of the color depends on the movie.
  4. daniel

    daniel Cat Lovers Against the Bomb

    Feb 25, 2004
    Spokane, WA
    2004 Prius
    I'll check that out.

    Okay. I was on a disc that just didn't have it. The next one I watched did.

    Mine increments from 1 to 6 fast-forward, then drops back to 1. I don't know how many "times" that is, but it took a while to make it to the last 10 minutes of the movie, where I had been when to decided to screw me over.

    Part of the problem is the stinking remote. It has so many buttons, so close together, that it's impossible to operate by feel, as the remote for my DVD player was. So I'm always pressing the wrong button. It doesn't help that apparently it's a universal remote for every kind of electronics Samsung makes, so 3/4 of the buttons don't do anything.

    As for movies, I think part of the problem is that I guess visuals do not impress me as much as they do others. I watch a movie for the story more than for the visuals. Yes, the visual is much better on BR than on DVD. But I decided I wanted the really big screen of the projector (I don't regret that decision) but I was only able to see BR in a store on a 58" screen. Double the size of the screen and the pixels are farther apart. Impressive, yes, just not as much as I was expecting.

    As for Avatar, I'm going to wait for it to return to theaters and see it in 3-D.

    I have the new system and I will make use of it and enjoy it. It is an improvement. I'm just not sure it's really worth the money. Fortunately, I can afford it.

    Oh, one last comment on Avatar as a test of Blu-ray: The decision on whether to buy it, or on whether it was worth it, is not based on what you can see on the very best BR movie made; it's what you see in your normal daily or weekly viewing. It's the ordinary movies that determine whether or not buying it was a good choice. And I'm not going to watch bad movies just for the good visuals. (Well, some folks might think the movies I watch are bad, but you get my point: I want a good story more than I want great visuals.) If every movie coming out was another Avatar, I'd have bought a 3-D screen.
  5. cproaudio

    cproaudio Speedlock Overrider

    Jul 7, 2010
    2010 Prius
    Which one did you get?
  6. daniel

    daniel Cat Lovers Against the Bomb

    Feb 25, 2004
    Spokane, WA
    2004 Prius
    Epson 8700 UB.
  7. daniel

    daniel Cat Lovers Against the Bomb

    Feb 25, 2004
    Spokane, WA
    2004 Prius
    Not quite on the subject of screens and 3-D, but today I got so sick of the Samsung 5500 Blu-ray player that I sent it back and got a Panasonic instead.

    Issues with the 5500: The remote control was full of useless buttons because it was intended to operate several other gadgets in addition to the player, and they were almost all identical square buttons, in a perfect grid, so that in the dark it is impossible to tell which is which. Then when you inadvertently hit a button that takes the player out of disc play mode and over to streaming internet mode, there is no way to get back to disc play except to reject and re-insert the disc. This happens a lot since you cannot see the buttons. Then, if you try to exit a program on streaming media, there is no working "back" or "up one level" button (the button labeled as such does not do it) and you end up getting a black screen, and no button does anything at all except the ones that cause "Not Available!" to appear on the screen, and the only remedy is to turn the power off and on.

    I called Crutchfield and they immediately emained me a pre-paid return label. Then I went to Sears to buy the Panasonic player. The salesman said he likes Samsung a lot. I said I had just returned the 5500, and he made a face and said he'd never let anyone buy that model because it does the stuff I was complaining about.

    On another note, tomorrow I expect to receive The Thin Red Line from NetFlix, which the avs forum web site rates as top tier for Blu-ray demo quality. I'll be able to see what my projector can really do, though of course I have nothing to compare it to but my old DVD-quality projector and the much smaller plasma screens at Sears.

    P.S. And even the best of those is not as good as my Kindle! :)
  8. daniel

    daniel Cat Lovers Against the Bomb

    Feb 25, 2004
    Spokane, WA
    2004 Prius
    P.P.S. Just watched Knight and Day on the new BR player, and I'm very happy with the new player and both the audio and picture quality. And the new BR player is a big improvement over the old one.
  9. boulder_bum

    boulder_bum Senior Member

    Mar 11, 2007
    Castle Rock, CO
    2007 Prius
    I had a Samsung BD-C6900 but the firmware was really buggy. It would freak out and take 10 minutes to load a disc sometimes (less than a minute should have been normal).

    I ended up going for a Sony BDP-S570 which has best-in-class load times and can be operated via a remote app for iPhone. It's pretty nice.
  10. cproaudio

    cproaudio Speedlock Overrider

    Jul 7, 2010
    2010 Prius
    Some news about 3D. LG will be releasing a 2 engine passive 3D single body projector CF3D sometime this year. This projector is THE 3D projector to get. I've seen the performance and it is amazing, full 1080P pictures for both eyes 120hz smooth motion and no jerkiness. You do need to use polarization preserving screens such as the Da Lite 3D Virtual Black or Vutec Silverstar 3D-P screen. Passive 3DTV will be releasing to the US from many manufacturers sometime this year Vizio being one of the first. Once it hits the retail stores and you can compare passive and active side by side, I can pretty much guarantee you that you'd want the active 3DTV due to its 1080P picture. Also coming soon are the 3D camcorders from many manufacturers. JVC will release one for $2,000. Panasonic already has one for $1400. SONY will have one too. Many of the 3D camcorders will utilize glasses-free 3D screen similar to the Nintendo's 3DS screen.
  11. daniel

    daniel Cat Lovers Against the Bomb

    Feb 25, 2004
    Spokane, WA
    2004 Prius
    Well, I won't be upgrading again any time soon. I had the old system for 4 1/2 years. I expect to upgrade again, to whatever is better, in three to five years if I'm still around and the economy has not collapsed and left us all roaming the desert like Mad Max. But then, if it turns into a Mad Max world, I'll be one of the first killed, so I won't be worrying that I could have gotten a better AV system.
  12. daniel

    daniel Cat Lovers Against the Bomb

    Feb 25, 2004
    Spokane, WA
    2004 Prius
    P.S. Actually, I'm surprised at the announcements cproaudio mentions, because when I was looking at the 3-D plasma set at Sears, the salesman told me that 3-D was the biggest flop of 2010. I doubt that switching to polarized glasses, from active shutter glasses, will help market acceptance, especially when the new projector screen will probably cost more than half a dozen pairs of glasses. Maybe they're counting on an expanding number of 3-D movies to motivate consumers.

    My feeling, from watching Tron in the theater, is that when the 3-D effect is behind the screen it's nice, but not that big a deal. Only when it comes out in front of the screen is it really impressive. But the main action needs to be behind the screen, otherwise it's too hard to follow. Only the secondary effects should be in front of the screen, and that makes it a gimmick. An impressive gimmick, but a gimmick nonetheless. Maybe I'll revise that opinion if I ever get to see Avatar in 3-D. But that movie was designed and written for 3-D, and I'm guessing it will be a few years before there are many good movies made that way.
  13. Politburo

    Politburo Active Member

    Feb 15, 2009
    2009 Prius
    I think your improved audio quality is not specifically due the BD format, but more because you changed the player. With a TV 7 years old that likely has 2 or 3 speakers, you can't really use the advanced audio streams that BD supports (which include discrete rear channels on the newest movies).

    So what I would guess is going on is that your previous player would choose the Dolby Surround or stereo audio stream, which was fed analog to the TV. The new player is now sending an AC3 (5.1) stream via HDMI, which the TV is able to downmix using its virtual surround algorithm. That algorithm will give better results than the generic downmix used in the DVD production process.

    All of this discussion reminds me that I never installed the rear speakers after we moved 3 years ago.. can't say I've missed them. While we don't watch too many action movies, I've come to consider surround as more of a gimmick or distraction. I also hate the new 60 hz/240 hz/1 billion hz refresh rates, so maybe I'm just old fashioned.
  14. daniel

    daniel Cat Lovers Against the Bomb

    Feb 25, 2004
    Spokane, WA
    2004 Prius
    Why do you hate the faster refresh rates? (I presume your mention of 1 GHz refresh is hyperbole, since I don't think there is such a thing.)

    Do you consider the faster refresh rates to produce inferior picture quality, or do you just regard them as unnecessary?
  15. boulder_bum

    boulder_bum Senior Member

    Mar 11, 2007
    Castle Rock, CO
    2007 Prius
    I'm sure he'll answer for himself, but I've heard a lot of people hate on faster refresh times because they think the smoothness of the image makes it look unnatural.

    Blu-rays represent a movie that plays at 24Hz so what a 240Hz TV does is fill in the gaps. Essentially, if you have a ball in the upper-left portion of the screen in one frame, then it appears in the lower right portion of the screen in the second frame, then the TV will create 10 frames (or whatever) in between to make the movement of the ball look less jerky.

    Technically, such processing isn't part of what's captured in the movie itself, but I think it looks a little truer to life. The real wold doesn't move at 24Hz and jerky panning shots tend to take me out of the movie watching experience when I notice it.

    As for 3DTV being a flop in 2010: it was. Manufacturers wanted a revolution, but passion for the new technology wasn't there.

    I think the problems are numerous.

    First, you have a chicken vs. the egg problem with hardware vs. content. Last year, people would have had to buy $3,000+ worth of TV, glasses and A/V equipment to watch 3D when the number of titles available in 3D were a few cartoons. Is it really worth the money to watch "Monsters vs. Aliens" in 3D?

    Second, glasses are expensive, which means it's difficult to afford 3D TV watching for a family (the kind who would watch the limited number of kids' cartoons, which were the only titles available).

    Third, it's first generation hardware and people are afraid of being early adopters. Indeed, on 3D LCD sets, you had problems with ghosting.

    The new crop of TVs a lot of the problems are solved: prices will hopefully come down, there are sets where you can buy passive glasses to spare without breaking the bank, and a lot of the kinks are being worked out with 3D LCD sets.

    Plus, a few worthwhile titles are now hitting the market ("Avatar" being the big one) with more and more titles expected soon.

    In 2011, I don't think the 3D TV market will explode, but I think it will pick up momentum. I'm personally considering upgrading if some of the newer sets review well.

    On a side note, did anyone notice the Vizio passive LED set? The coolest thing I noticed about it is that you could have two video gamers play against each other, each seeing a different image on the screen depending on whether they wore the "left eye" or "right eye" 3D glasses.

    That's an innovation I hope the video game industry picks up on and supports!
  16. Politburo

    Politburo Active Member

    Feb 15, 2009
    2009 Prius
    Yeah, the smoothness just doesn't seem right, and it pulls me out of immersion. I don't think unnatural is the right word, because as boulder says, it's really more natural. I think it's because it reminds me of the old pan-and-scan versions of movies.
  17. GrumpyCabbie

    GrumpyCabbie Senior Member

    Dec 14, 2009
    North Yorkshire, UK
    2010 Prius
    Oh Daniel you crack me up! lol

    I'm never sure if you're being serious or have a really dry sense of humour. ;)
    1 person likes this.
  18. GrumpyCabbie

    GrumpyCabbie Senior Member

    Dec 14, 2009
    North Yorkshire, UK
    2010 Prius
    Regarding the title of this thread;

    1950's 3D movies flopped

    1980's 3D makes a come back (for a month or two in 1984) and flopped

    2010 3D makes a come back (with improved glasses) and flops

    Every generation someone thinks its a good idea but 3D is too much hassle.
  19. FL_Prius_Driver

    FL_Prius_Driver Senior Member

    Jun 17, 2007
    Tampa Bay
    2010 Prius
    The 3D movies I have watch so far are bothersome, not entertaining. I finally have figured out what really bothers me is a lot of small effects combining into an unpleasant experience.

    1) The 3D is wildly exaggerated in too many scenes. It makes for a real attention getter. It also alerts you that some is "unnatural" about what just happened.

    2) The movies are not actually 3D. They are 2D with the objects of interest being given a perspective effect. Everything else is flat as can be. Again there is something "unnatural" about a few of the objects being clearly 3D but the majority of the background details being totally flat.

    3) I notice that I will move my head on occasion and the scene does not shift accordingly. Bang-The "unnatural" feeling comes back again for every head movement.

    Thank goodness 3D is failing. Two of the three issues above are simple faulty source material, not the technology. It's sort of like expecting a sweet candy and getting a mouthfull of pure sugar. One is enjoyable, the other is pure overload.
  20. daniel

    daniel Cat Lovers Against the Bomb

    Feb 25, 2004
    Spokane, WA
    2004 Prius
    Thanks to everyone for the above responses to the refrash rate business.

    I actually kind of like that.

    This was true of the 3-D preview for the next Priates of the Caribbean preview I saw at the theater. It was so awful I cannot imagine anyone wanting to watch the movie that way. However, the actual movie I went there to see, Tron, was true 3-D (except for a few scenes which we were told at the beginning were intended to be 2-D). The background was indeed 3-D, and there was less of the in-your-face stuff than I expected.

    Yes. In real life, if you move your head you change your perspective, whereas in a movie you must wait for the camera to move. I agree this is a drawback, but it's one I'd be willing to accept.

    What I was not willing to accept was the much smaller screen size of a flat-screen TV compared to a projector, given the extremely small number of true 3-D titles available. (Now my Kindle, by comparison, has millions of titles available. ;) If I had to give up the home theater or the Kindle, I'd give up the theater in a heartbeat.)