Installed USA Spec Iphone/iPad Adapter today

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Audio and Electronics' started by sfzobie, Jan 13, 2011.

  1. sfzobie

    sfzobie New Member

    Jan 11, 2011
    San Francisco
    2005 Prius
    After reading the multitude of posts, I thought I would just add my recent installation of the USA Spec PA15-Toy.

    I have a 2005 Non JBL or Nav Prius and a iphone4 and ipad. There are several reputable companies selling products, however I chose to purchase locally ($40 more than internet but I don't like waiting).

    If you choose this product or the dice or vais series, the installation takes all of about 15 minutes.

    The unit came preprogrammed to be used as a "CD Changer". I wanted to be able to control my iphone/ipad directly and not through the system. With this setup, you have both options, you can control it with the mfd or the iphone itself.

    The shops here charge about $100 to do this. If you have a extension socket driver with a 10mm head, this will take you no time at all. You DON'T need a shop unless you want to spend money.

    I plug in my iphone and it charges and sounds great. There is zero damage and if I ever want to take it out it will take me no time at all. I didn't want to cut into the dash or risk having a stereo since San Francisco is pretty bad for thefts.

    I drilled a small hole in the back of the cubby under the stereo and ran the iphone connector. When it's not in use it folds nicely out of sight.

    As an added note, the USA Spec has an RCA input in it as well. I ran a monster cable that has rca on one end and a 3.5mm connector on the other, so if I plug in my Evo, I can listen to music on that as well.

    I paid about $150 and was done with everything in about 30 minutes.

    Well worth it if you have the same setup as me, and I highly recommend the USA Spec Toy15. As a note, the website says you need to use the toy20, which is untrue for this setup, the toy15 works without incident. They also have a US customer support number that I called and was talking to a tech in 1 minute, which was great.

    Sorry for the long post, but after searching I didn't find anything for this specific product.
  2. sktn77a

    sktn77a Member

    Apr 28, 2007
    2005 Prius
    How does the USA-SPEC display on the MFD work out? My Dice (2005 with NAV/JBL) works fine except the song and artist titles flash annoyingly when they scroll (using SAT emulation).
  3. sfzobie

    sfzobie New Member

    Jan 11, 2011
    San Francisco
    2005 Prius
    If you use the various "CDs 1-6" to go through playlist, it will show the artist/title as it progresses without flicker or incident. If you use CD7, which is where it starts, I don't know where it gets the music from, but it instantly starts playing, maybe picking up where it left off as I plugged it in after the gym and it continued the song exactly where I had stopped it. If you use CD8 it will say Ipod Direct and won't display artist or track, but since my iphone is next to it, I like being able to control it manually.

    There is no flicker but if you use the CD 1-6 function, the iphone locks out the ipod (you can still use all the parts of the phone like mail and text) so it's hard to navigate. I'm sure I will get used to it.